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Music Office Information
The Music Office is open Monday-Friday, 8:00am-12:00 noon, and 1:00-4:00pm. Individual staff schedules vary.
Contact information and specific office hours for staff are listed below. If you have specific questions for any of the following areas, please contact the appropriate staff member listed:
- Registration for Music classes (lessons, ensembles, etc.) – Tabi Looper
- Instrument Checkout and/or Locker Reservations – Tabi Looper or Ryan Marsh
- Student Employment – Mercedi Benien
- Lobby Staff Employment – Ryan Marsh
- MBR Access – Tabi Looper or Ryan Marsh
- Scholarship-related questions – Tabi Looper
- MBR Room Scheduling – Ryan Marsh
- Recitals – Ryan Marsh
Ryan Marsh
Office phone: 253-535-7602
Works remotely on Wednesdays.
Tabi Looper
Office phone: 253-535-7603
Mercedi Benien
Office phone: 253-535-7627
Available Monday through Thursday.

Degree Recital Performances
- Scheduling. Information regarding scheduling your recital can be found by visiting the Recital Scheduling and Information page.
- Recital juries. Recital juries will take place approximately two to three weeks prior to your recital date.
- Dress rehearsal. Upon successful completion of your recital jury, an in-person dress rehearsal can be scheduled. Due to time and space limitations, dress rehearsals are limited to one hour. Since this may not be sufficient to perform all of the recital repertoire, this rehearsal should be considered a sound check in the hall.

BMA/BA Capstone Presentations
- Presentations will be scheduled in either MBR 334 or 306 depending on availability.
- Scheduling. Information regarding scheduling your presentation can be found by visiting the Recital Scheduling and Information page.

Building Information
- Students enrolled in Private Instruction will have swipe access to MBR from 5:30am to 12:30am daily. Students who are not registered for Private Instruction may request access by contacting the Music Office.
- Music House and Trinity Lutheran will also be utilized for lessons and practice time (both buildings are located East of MBR near the intersection of 121st St. S and Park Ave. S).
- Students who have checked out an instrument or locker for personal use will be provided access to the locker room.

Instrument Checkout, Locker Reservations
Instrument Checkout and Locker Reservation requests may be submitted via the online request form below, starting Monday, August 28. If you have questions, please email Tabi Looper (loopert@plu.edu) or Ryan Marsh (marshrl@plu.edu) in the Music Office.
Instrument Checkout
If you are in need of a specific instrument please follow the steps outlined below:
- Discuss your instrument requirement(s) with your ensemble conductor or studio teacher.
- Complete the form linked below.
- Ask your ensemble conductor or studio teacher to follow up with an email to both Tabi Looper and Ryan Marsh, with the following information:
- Student Name
- Specific Instrument Requested
- Duration of the Request:
- Academic Year (Sept-May)
- Fall Semester ONLY (Sept-Dec)
- J-Term ONLY (January)
- Spring Semester ONLY (Feb-May)
- Other
- Once the Music Office receives your request form AND an email of approval from your instructor, further information and instructions will be emailed to you.
Locker Reservation
To request a locker, students must be registered for Private Instruction or an instrumental ensemble.
If you need a locker to store your personal instrument, complete the following locker checkout request form below. If you have any questions please email Tabi Looper (loopert@plu.edu) and Ryan Marsh (marshrl@plu.edu). Once your request has been approved, further information and confirmation will be sent to you.
Brass Lab, String Lab, and Woodwind Lab
Students enrolled in Brass Lab, String Lab, or Woodwind Lab classes will receive instructions from the Music Office or your instructor once instrument assignments are completed. Locker information will be provided as needed.
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