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2025 Summer Internships

There are two internship opportunities available to PLU students interested in cancer research during the summer of 2025. Each position provides a $6,664 fellowship from the John F. Gilbertson Foundation for 10 weeks of full-time work at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center. One student will work in the lab of Dr. Christina Termini, while the other will work in the lab of Dr. Neelendu Dey.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • PLU student enrolled full-time for 2025-2026.
  • Entering junior or senior year Fall 2025
  • Pursuing a degree in biology, chemistry, or a related field
  • A minimum of two wet lab courses with emphasis in pipetting, sterile technique, data interpretation, and good lab notebook practices

Each intern will receive a total of $6,664 for participating in the program from Pacific Lutheran University. Interns are responsible for their housing, meals, and local transportation costs. They will receive $4,443 at the start of the internship and the final $2,221 at the conclusion of the internship experience and upon receipt by PLU’s Executive Director of Alumni & Student Connections of a short reflection report of the internship experience.

This internship program seeks to engage scientific curiosity and promote biomedical research careers among PLU undergraduates and is committed to expanding diversity among students who enter STEM fields.

How to Apply:
The application consists of:

  • A one-page, single spaced Statement of Research Interests and Career Goals including the following:
    • What are your interests and career goals? Why? What has led you to these interests and goals? Be sure to describe your interests in the area of cancer research.
    • How will participating in this internship experience advance your academic and career goals? What are you hoping to learn or gain from participating in research at the FHCC? Please include a description of the skills, knowledge, and experience you hope to develop/gain.
  • Unofficial transcript
  • Resume (one page)
  • Names and contact information for 2-3 references (one of whom must be a PLU Natural Sciences faculty member)

Application Due Date: Monday, March 3, 2025 at 5 pm