New Lutes, returning students move into halls
The room in Tingelstad was exceedingly bare, as new roommates, Carly Romo and Nikki Noble, concentrated on filling out their sign-in forms. In the wings of the 14-by-16 foot room, huddled two moms, a friend and grandma, all waiting to unload the cars below. Julie Romo, ’85, Carly’s mom, filled up a jeep they’d driven together from Alaska. After they arrived last Thursday, neither was sure it would all fit. But at least they only had to pack it up only two flights of stairs, instead of nine, to the hall’s top floor. The unpacking of the cars, minivans and U-hauls, the lugging of the linens, pillows chairs and posters up the stairs replayed itself hundreds of times last week, as one of the largest freshmen classes in PLU’s history moved in.
Find the right hall. Drive the car up to the hall. Have eager football players swarm over your car to help you pack in the heavy stuff. Pick up registration forms, identity cards, meal tickets and keys. Don’t lose the keys.
An emotional checklist played out as well. Parents and students said goodbye. Many parents experienced a sense of relief (they’ve made it) and sadness (the house will seem a bit quiet) on Friday afternoon.
In all, about 715 freshman came to campus last week, estimated Tom Huelsbeck, director of residential life. About 1,700 of PLU’s 3,700 students live in the campus’ 10 residence halls.
Huelsbeck noted the two-day orientation was much more elaborate than when he was dropped off 20 years ago by his parents.
“It was basically dropping me and my things off at the curb and driving off,” he laughed.
But this week, after the goodbyes, there are always cell phones and e-mails.