Reaching out at lightning speed
Getting to know people outside of your comfort zone is no easy matter. But a student group of Rieke Scholars from the Diversity Center may have found a way to break down some of those walls – Speed Friendship.“We all just realized we just get stuck in our own routines,” said Hannah Pershall, student. “You don’t really branch out that often.”
So a group of Rieke Scholars, including Pershall, Boo Dodson, Kevin Floyd and Joanne Nguyen came up with a way to make friendships fast.
Last Thursday, the group hosted the first Speed Friendship night, with more to come if the interest is there.
It’s kind of like speed dating, but without the specific purpose of finding a date, Pershall said.
“You could meet a date or just make a connection with people around campus who are different than you that you have never met before,” Pershall said.
Hopefully this event reminded people that there are a lot of different people around them and it’s OK to get to know them, she said.
“It’s nice to just reach out to the people around you everyday,” Pershall said.
It’s a mission the Rieke Scholars hope to accomplish. The group of students aims to bring global issues to light by raising awareness and promoting diversity in all its forms.
Everyone is diverse, Pershall said and worth getting to know. Plus it’s fun, she added.
“Everyone has had an experience that is unlike yours,” Pershall said.