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December 1, 2009

I never thought I’d start a Unicycle club (and people would actually come)

By Steve Hansen

In the summers, Tyson Bendzak’s dad used to ask kids who came home from college if they brought their unicycles to campus with them. He’d taught a majority of them how to ride in elementary school. When it came time for Tyson to head to PLU, he thought of the question his dad asked everyone else.

Tyson Bendzak

Tyson Bendzak started a unicycle club on campus – the L.U.N.I.C.Y.C.L.E.R.S. (Lutes with a Unique and Nifty Interest in Cautiously Yet Courageously Learning an Exquisitely Radical Skill).

So Tyson brought his unicycle from his hometown of Cordova, Alaska. And he started riding around campus. First, it was to and from church. Then, more places. Soon, it was hard to see Tyson on campus when he’s not on his unicycle – he even wore his tire out. And he thought to himself, “why can’t I teach others to ride, as well?”

So he started a club. The L.U.N.I.C.Y.C.L.E.R.S. (Lutes with a Unique and Nifty Interest in Cautiously Yet Courageously Learning an Exquisitely Radical Skill).

Tyson got the required signatures and filed the paperwork. And with it came 500 bucks from ASPLU, PLU’s student government, to buy six new unicycles. Before long he and other Lunicyclists were practicing weekly and riding around campus.

Things like this happen all the time at PLU. There are more than 70 clubs on campus, and new ones are starting all the time. Some are serious endeavors that focus on social, religious and diversity issues, like Advocates for Social Justice, the Alijah Jewish Club or the Black Student Union. Others are for … well, because, why not? There’s Hip Hop 101, the Anime Club and, once, even a Meat Club, where students met once a month and grilled meat.

The point is, there are tons of clubs at PLU. All are welcome. Students who want to meet others with similar interests – or learn about something totally new – will have many places to go. And if you don’t see something you are interested in? Start a new club.

That’s what Tyson did. And now he’s got a bunch of fellow Lunicyclers riding around campus. Just watch out – there are no brakes on these things, and some of the riders are still learning.