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November 1, 2010

Cammocks ensure PLU remains a place for students to grow

By Chris Albert

There is one thing Craig Cammock ’91 finds to be true every time he encounters a Lute in the world: “They’re always a pleasure to run into.”

It’s a big reason why Cammock and his wife, Carrie, support education at Pacific Lutheran University through financial support to initiatives like Q Club student scholarships, the Morken Center, the athletic fields and gifts to the economics department, which included honoring faculty emeritus Ernie Ankrim.


Craig and Carrie Cammock

Craig and Carrie Cammock.

“I think the world would be better off with more PLU graduates out there in the world,” Cammock said. “PLU turns out some good citizens.”

The Cammocks enjoy PLU activities like the Christmas Concert, which has become a holiday tradition, but being able to give the opportunity of a valued education is why the Cammock’s keep PLU close to their hearts.

In today’s world, a person’s education can’t stop at high school, he said. It’s just not an option.

“I can’t imagine coming out of high school and just quitting there,” Cammock said. “We’re all better off if we’re all better educated.”

For him, PLU was a place from which he not only gained an education, but grew as a person. He’d like to see other students have that opportunity.

“PLU is a unique place,” Cammock said. “I don’t think mature is the right word, but it just provided the right ground for transitioning into adulthood.”

One of the experiences he had while a student at PLU was a semester in Vienna, Austria. The experience did wonders in shaping Cammock and providing the bridge to adulthood.

He couldn’t be happier to see the university embrace global education and see the programs grow.

“I think it’s just a great thing to do,” Cammock said. “No matter where you go.”