Employee volunteers wanted to join PLU emergency response teams
When disaster strikes, PLU and its community members must be prepared to help ourselves before outside agency (fire, medical) help arrives. To that end, it is calling for willing volunteer employees to join various PLU emergency response teams. Training and equipment will be provided. Please contact Jennifer Wamboldt at 6042 or wamboljm@plu.edu.
The Disaster Assessment Team (DAT) inspects structural building components to determine the safety of reoccupying the space after an earthquake. Training coming next week!
Disaster Search and Rescue (DSAR) performs light to moderate search and rescue activities in locations that are deemed safe or conditionally safe to enter.
The Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) is responsible for triage and first aid of injured students, employees, and guests when outside services are not readily available.
W7PLU amateur (ham) radio operators provide communication services between PLU and outside agencies when traditional means of communication are interrupted.
PLU employees bring a rich array of skills and experiences that may or may not be recognized or utilized in their current positions. This may be just the opportunity to extend your experience into a new arena.
Please contact Jennifer Wamboldt at 6042 or wamboljm@plu.edu if interested.