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February 14, 2012

Posters aim to bring awareness to campus

By Chris Albert

This June, PLU will become a tobacco-free campus, but in the meantime posters and postcards are on display to spark conversation about the campus-wide change.

“To gear up we’ve decided to do several educational initiatives to raise awareness,” said Matt Munson, Health Educator at the Health Center.

Posters illustrating the negative outcomes of tobacco use are displayed throughout campus. PLU becomes a tobacco-free campus starting in June.

Posters illustrating the negative outcomes of tobacco use are displayed throughout campus. PLU becomes a tobacco-free campus starting in June.

The posters, that are displayed throughout campus, provide information about the effects of all kinds of tobacco use, including cigarettes and chewing tobacco.”It’s a good representation of posters that talk about more than just cigarettes,” Munson said. “We did try to get a bit edgier photos and posters.”He said they wanted to show the other side of tobacco advertising – one example is of a few cowboys. One represents the famous Malboro man and he tells the other how he has emphysema.

“It’s a more realistic spin,” Munson said.

No tobacco use will be allowed on campus starting in June. After spring break, Munson said, “Quit Kits” will be made available for free to students who want to quit tobacco use.

The kits include tricks and tips on how to kick the habit.

For more information about PLU becoming a tobacco-free campus go to