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December 1, 2012

Joey Glahn ’12: ‘You can never have enough chicken.’

Glahn makes a pit stop between his classes and work for lunch in the Anderson University Center.

Glahn makes a pit stop between his classes and work for lunch in the Anderson University Center.

As a member of ROTC, Glahn has lived on campus and enjoyed the benefits of having a meal plan since coming to PLU. He said it saves him time and money–both of which a college student can’t spare, especially when he’s working 12-hour shifts at Madigan Army Medical Center as part of his capstone.

Major: nursing

Hometown: Federal Way, Wash.

What home cooked meal he misses most: pot roast

Staple Food: grilled chicken

Specialty: “Bulking meals”–a mixture of chicken or ground beef, brown rice, cheese, black beans–for after his workouts

Where he gets his food-spiration: “I’ve observed my dad. He’s a really good cook.”

Where he gets his food: on campus

Grocery List: n/a

Breakfast: oatmeal or a bagel

Lunch: chicken sandwich and chips from the Anderson University Center

Dinner: tuna fish sandwich and chicken salad from the Anderson University Center

Late Night Snack: chicken burrito from Taco Bell