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Food For Thought: Tim Hurd

December 1, 2012

Tim Hurd ’13: ‘A man, a can, a plan.’

Hurd and other members of the men’s Ultimate Frisbee team grab dinner after practice at Uni Teriyaki.

Hurd and other members of the men’s Ultimate Frisbee team grab dinner after practice at Uni Teriyaki.
“Nothing is very consistent with my meal patterns,” Hurd said. He’ll eat whatever he has around the house if he needs a snack, but he eats out most of the time because he doesn’t have the time or skills to cook for himself. On the rare occasion he does cook for himself, he relies on a cookbook his mom and grandma bought him called

“A Man, a Can, a Plan,” which features a variety of recipes that can be made with a few simple ingredients, mostly canned goods.

Major: applied physics and computer science

Hometown: Sumner, Wash.

Staple Food: cereal

Specialty: biscuits and gravy or Kraft Macaroni and Cheese

Where he gets his food-spiration: from “A man, a Can, a Plan” cookbook, on the rare occasion he cooks

Where he gets his food: QFC or Sars

Grocery List: cereal, milk, orange juice, beer, taquitos, and frozen pizza

Breakfast: cereal and a bagel

Lunch: burger and fries or taquitos and Mountain Dew

Snack: any kind of breakfast food

Dinner: pizza from Little Caesars

Late Night Snack: “Taquitos, Eggos, or cereal or chips or pizza–whatever’s there.”