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June 12, 2013

Career Connections Opportunities Board continues to bring employers and job-seekers together

Opportunities Board website screenshot on laptop

Career Connections connects students with PLU’s best academic and career planning services, but one of the most popular resources is an essential online tool – the Career Connections Opportunities Board.

According to Executive Director of Career Connections Bobbi Hughes, the new Career Connections Opportunities Board is the central location for all job-search, internship and volunteer opportunities on and off campus. “Opportunities” is the operative word, because Hughes says the site will eventually include student research opportunities as well.

“We really see it as a centralized resource to develop professional skills and experience,” she said.

The online resource provides one place for students and alumni to search for all on-campus jobs, state work-study jobs, volunteer positions, internships and, of course, full-time career placement.

And it isn’t just a resource to access during the school year. New positions are posted every day and summer opportunities are being advertised right now. Alumni, especially those who have graduated in the past few years, can find entry-level positions, as well as positions to aspire to once they’ve gained a few years of work experience.

The site is also great for employers. According to Hughes, in the past, if a company had multiple offerings to post – say, an internship and a full-time position – they would often have to go to separate locations to post the announcement. Now, both students and employers can all go to the same place.

There are also numerous tools on the site. For instance, there is a suite of short videos that provide tips on everything from crafting a great cover letter to informational interviews.

Bobbi Hughes

Executive Director of Career Connections Bobbi Hughes

You’ll also find a “What Can I Do With A Major In…” database and even a program that allows you to practice interviewing skills via a web cam. You can record yourself in a practice interview, watch a replay – even send to Career Connections staff for a critique.

In addition, Career Connections Opportunities Board is accessed with your e-pass and linked directly to PLU’s banner system, so that students do not have to enter basic information over and over again. It can also connect directly to LinkedIn and Facebook, so that it is easy to build contacts, make connections and find more job opportunities.

“I know students find the Career Connections Opportunities Board an invaluable resource in their job search and overall professional development,” said Hughes. “It is a great tool for enhancing their connections with employers, and in this job market your connections are your most important asset.”

To find the Career Connections Opportunities Board, go to, and click on the Career Connections Opportunities Board box to login.