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April 7, 2014

Study Away Shots Taken ‘Round the World

Shelby Hasse took first place in the Natural Landscapes & Seascapes category for this scenic shot taken near Akaroa, New Zealand.

Shelby Hasse took first place in the Natural Landscapes & Seascapes category for this scenic shot taken near Akaroa, New Zealand.

2014 Wang Center Photo Contest winners on display beginning April 9

PLU Marketing & Communications

During the 2013-14 academic year, 394 undergraduate students participated in global and local Study Away programs in destinations as far away as Antarctica and as near as the Tacoma Hilltop community. 

As they travel, Lutes gain new perspectives on critical global issues; advance their language and intercultural skills; participate in internship and service learning opportunities, forming valuable new contacts and lasting connections; advance their academic and career trajectories—and take some pretty awesome photos.

Study Away Statistics
Here’s the breakdown of the 394 undergraduates who participated in Study Away for the 2013-14 academic year:
Summer 2013: 4
Full academic year: 6
Fall 2013: 31
J-Term 2014: 310
Spring 2014: 43
(In addition, 60 other students participated in off-campus Spring Break programs supported by the Wang Center.)
Peter Rise’s photo of the tuxedoed residents of Petermann Island, Antarctica, won third place in Natural Landscapes & Seascapes.

Peter Rise’s photo of the tuxedoed residents of Petermann Island, Antarctica, won third place in Natural Landscapes & Seascapes.

The annual Wang Center Photo Contest is an opportunity for students to reflect on their Study Away experiences and to share the world’s images, from their perspective, with the PLU community. These student photos, and their powerful stories, bring the world to PLU. This year, there were 108 entries in the 2014 Wang Center Photo Contest in four categories: People & Culture, Natural Landscapes & Seascapes, Urban Landscapes and Lutes Away (PLU students interacting in the community).The 12 winning photos—from Mexico to Martinique and beyond—will be displayed at the library from April 9 to May 27. After that, they will be transferred to the Anderson University Center, where they will hang on a gallery wall for the 2014-15 academic year.  (The winning photos also are posted online here.)