2015-16 Spotlight Series: ‘Roots of Resilience’

Image: (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU)
By Zach Powers '10
PLU Marketing & Communications
TACOMA, Wash. (Oct. 15, 2015)—Resilience is characterized by the “power or ability to return to original form” after being “bent, compressed or stretched.”
You see examples of resilience in the news all the time—in the exhausted yet determined faces of Syrian refugees, in the grace of forgiveness following unspeakable violence—and in the community, classrooms and concerns of Pacific Lutheran University.
That’s especially true this year, as PLU’s 2015-16 Spotlight Series focuses on Roots of Resilience, based on a quote popularized by Martin Luther King Jr. and inspired by Martin Luther: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” Dozens of campus events, ranging from a one-man play about a brother’s death from AIDS to February’s Wang Center Symposium, will examine the personal and big-picture capacity to withstand and overcome the stress and devastation related to trauma.
“There is building interest in understanding the conditions that make it possible for individuals, communities, organizations, institutions and organisms to overcome adversity,” said Tamara Williams, Professor of Hispanic Studies and Executive Director of the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education. “While varied, the events and programs that will be featured as part of the series will be asking the question, implicitly or explicitly: ‘What are the common elements that appear to contribute to resilience?’”
None/Series Complete
‘My Brother Kissed Mark Zuckerberg’
Tuesday, Oct. 27 | 7 p.m. | Karen Hille Phillips Center Studio Theater MORE INFORMATION
This one-man play featuring writer-performer Peter Serko tells the true tale of Peter’s brother’s life and death from AIDS.
Darren Dochuk: ‘Crude Awakenings: The Faith, Politics and Crises of Oil in America’s Century’
Wednesday, Oct. 28 | 7:30 p.m. | Lagerquist Concert Hall MORE INFORMATION
The 10th Annual David and Marilyn Knutson Lecture.
Dean Spade: ‘Romantic Notions: Soldiers, Spouses and the Limits of LGBT Equality’
Tuesday, Nov. 3 | 6 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center MORE INFORMATION
Seattle University School of Law professor Dean Spade is a leading scholar and activist in trans rights. In his talk, Spade will discuss the complex terrain of contemporary queer and trans politics, examining the racialized/gendered roles of soldier and spouse offered in the name of “equality” and “human rights.”
Beth Griech-Polelle, ‘The First Victims: The Nazi Euthanasia Campaign’
Tuesday, Nov. 10 | 7 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center
In a gross misuse of the actual meaning of the term euthanasia, Hitler, his top physicians, and a vast array of doctors, nurses, and
technicians, would put into motion a secret, systematic program called “Aktion T-4” or the “Euthanasia Project” to murder defenseless children
and adults within Germany’s boundaries.
Resistencia: The Fight for The Aguan Valley.
Thursday, Nov. 12 | 7 p.m. | Xavier 201.
Film screening and post-film discussion with Director Jesse Freeston.
Indigenous Film Series
Every Thursday of Fall Semester (Except Thanksgiving) | 7 – 9:30 p.m. | Hauge Administration 101
Each film will be introduced and followed with a brief discussion. The films, by Indigenous filmmakers from around the world, are being shown in conjunction with WRIT 101-23: Our Place, Our Vision, Our Lens: Indigenous Film, but the series is open to the public.
Table Talk: ‘What is the World’s Greatest Need?’
Monday, Nov. 16 | 6 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center
Panel discussion featuring Assistant Professor of Philosophy Mike Schleeter, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Galen Ciscell and School of Education & Kinesiology Director of Information Management and Technology Mary Jo Larsen.
Title IX: More Than Just Sports
Tuesday, Nov. 17 | 8 p.m. | Regency Room
An educational forum on PLU’s policies regarding gender equity and sexual violence.
Empty Bowls
Wednesday, Nov. 18 | 4–6 p.m. | Anderson University Center MORE INFORMATION
Fight hunger! Get a bowl! Do good, get fed! Purchase a handmade bowl for $10 using cash, Lutebucks or dining dollars. You’ll also get bottomless soup!
Poverty Immersion Workshop
Thursday, Nov. 19 | 6-9 p.m. | Anderson University Center
This poverty simulation invites 80 students to role-play how poverty works. Engage with our local community in learning about how poverty affects us all.
South Puget Sound Higher Education Diversity Partnership Institute: Seeing the Current in the Racial Water with Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Feb. 3 | 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. | Chris Knutzen Hall/Diversity Center | More Information
“What does it mean to be white in a society that proclaims race is meaningless, yet remains deeply divided by race?” Dr. DiAngelo will provide a shared framework to help us analyze the racial “water” we all swim in. Explore patterns of interaction that develop due to our racial socialization. Identify common challenges for white people in bridging racial divides, and offer more constructive cross-racial practices that everyone can benefit from.
It’s On Lutes & Women’s Center sponsored Basketball Games
Feb. 5 | 6 p.m. & 8 p.m. | Olson
Join the Bystander Coalition and the Women’ s Center to cheer on the women’s and men’s basketball teams. It’s On Lutes swag and information for how to become an active bystander will be on hand!
The Monologues
Feb. 11 & 12 | 7 p.m. | Chris Knutzen Hall (Anderson University Center) | More Information
Presented by VDay PLU & the Women’s Center, The Monologues (formally “The Vagina Monologues”) is an evening of monologues about women’s experiences with their bodies. Topics include love, sex, rape, birth, masturbation, menstruation, orgasm and more. This year’s production features original monologues written and performed by PLU students! The cast will also be performing The Monologues at the Washington Corrections Center for Women in Gig Harbor on Friday, Feb. 26th.
2016 Wang Center Symposium: The Countenance of Hope: Toward an Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Resilience
Feb. 25-26 | All Day | Multiple Locations on Campus | More Information
Through presentations by professionals, authors, academics and hands-on practitioners, the biennial international symposium is designed to stimulate serious thinking on a single global challenge.
Food Symposium
Feb. 26-29 | Various Times | Multiple Locations on Campus | More Information
Hosted by the PLU Philosophy Department, focused on the relationship between food and the environment.
2016 Schnackenberg Lecture: Dr. Elizabeth Fenn on “Sakagawea’s Capture and the History of the West.”
Thursday, March 3 | 7 p.m. | Philip A. Nordquist Lecture Hall | More Information
The Forty-second Annual Walter C. Schnackenberg Memorial Lecture. Dr. Fenn will address the “prehistory” of Sakagawea’s journey with Lewis and Clark, explaining what her capture can teach us about the history of the early West.
International Women’s Day
March 8 | specific times tba | Hong & Harstad RHC’s and Women’s Center
Bjug Harstad Memorial Lecture: The Role of National Identities in a Rapidly Changing World
March 14 | 7 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center
Celebration of Inspirational Women: (r)Evolution
March 17 | 5:30 | Scandinavian Cultural Center
Upon celebrating 25 years of educating and serving the PLU community, the Women’s Center has decided that it is time for a new stage in our evolution. We are changing our name! Join us as we announce our new name and celebrate women in the PLU community who exemplify how revolution is necessary for evolution! Snacks, treats & drinks available.
Sandstrom: St. Matthew Passion
March 23 | 8 p.m. | Lagerquist
St. Matthew Passion is a traditional part of the Lutheran liturgy each spring. Sven-David Sandström’s setting is a thoughtful reimagining of St. Matthew Passion that honors both the Bach setting that inspired it and the contemporary audiences for whom it is intended. Performed by the Choir of the West and Choral Union with University Symphony Orchestra.
Day of Vocation
April 5-6 | various times and locations across campus
Your Deep Gladness. The World’s Great Hunger.
Annual Lemkin Lecture and Essay Contest
April 7 | 7-10 p.m. | Regency Room
Earth Day Lecture: Dr. Alex Wilson from the Aboriginal Education Research Centre at the University of Saskatchewan
April 19 | 7:30 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center | More Information
Kevin O’Brien, Chair of Environmental Studies with PLU faculty Troy Storfjell and Jen Smith.
Take Back The Night
April 21 | 5:00 p.m. | Red Square | More Information
The PLU Center for Gender Equity’s annual ‘Take Back the Night’ march and rally, part of an international campaign to raise awareness about sexual assault.
TEDxTacoma: Healthy Future
April 22 | 7:00 | Karen Hille Phillips | More Information
Dedicated to “ideas worth sharing,” TEDxTacoma provides a platform for the exchange of creative, earnest and often paradigm-challenging ideas about how we can change our city, region and world for the better. At TEDxTacoma 2016, local business, arts, education and nonprofit leaders will present essential ideas for a “healthy future” for our community and the world.
“Gueros” Film Screening
April 27 | 6:00 p.m. | Admin 101
Post film Q&A with award-winning director Alonso Ruizpalacios
“These Four Years” Film Screening
April 28 | 6:30 p.m. | Studio Theater
In this documentary, MediaLab explores questions of happiness and education: Is a four-year degree still the route to self-fulfillment and wellbeing? And, if college is not accessible to all, then what are the implications–for individuals and society at large– for those who do not have a four-year college education?
No Labor Lost: Industries of the Labor Movement | Exhibition Opening
May 1 | 4:00 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center
Student curated exhibition about the Labor Rights Movement in the US and Scandinavia.
Sex +: Q&A with the Sexperts!
May 2 | 6:00 | Diversity Center
Join Allena Gabosch, Director of the Center for Sex Positive Culture in Seattle, and Kim Riano, Director of PLU’s Health and Counseling Centers, for a no holds barred conversation answering ALL of your questions about sex and sexuality. There will be opportunities to submit your questions anonymously.
Powerless: A New Musical Revue
May 6-7 | 8:00 p.m. | The Cave, Anderson University Center
Presented by PLU’s Night of Musical Theatre, Powerless is a new revue that uses a variety of modern musical theatre numbers to outline a journey of personal empowerment. (Admission is free with donation.)
University Symphony Orchestra
May 10 | 8:00 p.m. | Lagerquist Concert Hall
Featuring Shostakovitch Symphony No. 5, a piece written during a time that Shostakovitch was fearing for his life. His most recent works were coming under fire by Stalin’s regime and the fifth symphony was his response.
Dreamscapes: Munch, Memory, and the Sea
May 12 | 7:00 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center
Lecture in conjunction with the TAM Edvard Munch and the Sea exhibition. Discusses Munch overcoming his own personal struggles through art and being in the landscape.
CCES/dCenter/CGE Meet & Greet
May 13 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Red Square
Stop by Red Square (weather permitting) to meet the staffs and interns who make awesome things happen at the CCES, dCenter and CGE! Learn about our programs and how we work together to create positive social change.