Lutes at the Legislature: PLU students and alumni contribute at every level of the legislative process

Image: PLU students and legislative interns Savannah Turner ’16 and Kacie Masten ’17 outside the Washington State Capitol in Olympia. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU)
By Zach Powers '10
PLU Marketing & Communications
TACOMA, Wash. (March 3, 2016)— About 25 miles south of Pacific Lutheran University, lawmakers in Olympia are in the midst of the 2016 Washington state legislative session.
While the governor and state legislators direct the proceedings, they are supported and informed by a dedicated legion of staffers, interns and advocates. During the legislative session, attorneys, speechwriters, policy analysts and administrators burn the midnight oil just as low as the elected officials, dutifully serving the citizens of Washington state.
PLU students and alumni serve on both sides of the political aisle and at every level of the system. Each one of them is passionate about public policy, legislative process and their particular role in the lawmaking process.