Sidewalk project begins Aug. 29 to improve pedestrian accessibility near PLU’s campus

Image: Harstad Hall is a residence hall located at the intersection of Park Avenue South and Garfield Street South. It is near where a Pierce County sidewalk project will begin Aug. 29. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU)
By Kari Plog '11
PLU Marketing & Communications
TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 24, 2016)- Pierce County workers will begin a project Aug. 29 that will improve sidewalks and pedestrian visibility along Park Avenue South in front of Pacific Lutheran University’s campus.
The project, which spans Park Avenue between 125th Street South and Garfield Street South, is expected to be completed by late November, according to a Pierce County news release. PLU contributed $50,400 to the $966,675 project.
“This work to improve pedestrian access will benefit local businesses, Pacific Lutheran University students and faculty, and the surrounding neighborhood,” Brian Stacy, an engineer with Pierce County Public Works, said in the news release.
The project will include 6-foot sidewalks and concrete curbs and gutters on the east side of Park Avenue between 122nd Street South and Garfield Street, as well as new curb bulb-outs and ADA-compliant ramps. New ramps also will be built on the west side of Park Avenue at those locations, the news release states.
Tree root growth has created significant buckling along the existing sidewalk, making it challenging to use for pedestrians and individuals using wheelchairs.
Additionally, two rapid flash beacons and marked crosswalks will be installed on Park Avenue – at the 125th Street and 122nd Street intersections. New lighting will also be installed in the area.
As a result of the project, Garfield Street will be closed for 10 days in mid-September between Park Avenue and C Street South. The closure will take place 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on weekdays.
For more information and a full project schedule, visit