Homeland Security reverses course on international student directive

Image: Flags of nations from around the world hanging in PLU’s Anderson University Center. (Photo/John Froschauer)
We are pleased that earlier today the U.S. Department of Homeland Security rescinded its July 6 policy directive that would have required international students to take in-person college courses in order to remain in the U.S.
At PLU, we are deeply committed to fostering a global learning environment not only through our study away programs, but also through welcoming international students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars to learn, teach and thrive on our campus.
We are grateful to the leaders at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who filed the lawsuit that led to this rescission. PLU was proud to sign onto an amicus brief in support of the lawsuit that would have been delivered to Congress later this week.
Thank you to the PLU faculty members, staff, and peers who continue to support international students in planning for the fall. Thank you, as well, to those of you who signed and helped distribute online petitions opposing the harmful directive that was rescinded today.
Our support for our international students is unequivocal. We will continue to ensure that we have plans and programs in place that secure their important place in our community. We also pledge to continue advocating for international students and opposing threats to their access and full participation in learning and living at PLU.