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A conversation with novelist Mari Matthias ‘94, author of “The Runestone’s Promise”

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November 9, 2022

Mari Matthias ‘94 loved diagramming sentences back in the ninth grade. Later, she served on the staff of Saxifrage, PLU’s student-run literary and art magazine, during all four of her years on campus.

Matthias describes herself as a self-taught novelist. “Once I decided to write the book, I started really paying attention to how authors crafted stories, trying to see why I couldn’t put a book down, and all the ways you can say something to subtly point a reader in a particular direction,” she says.

PLU communications director Zach Powers ‘10 interviewed Matthias recently about her new literary fiction novel, The Runestone’s Promise. Matthias discussed how the novel has roots in her family’s history and what it’s like writing a novel set in 1799 Christiana (now Oslo).