PLU introduces new Doctor of Education in educational leadership

By MacKenzie Hines
PLU Marketing and Communications
PLU officials announced the launch of a Doctor of Education (Ed.D) in Educational Leadership program. The program will focus on educational leadership in P-12 schools, preparing graduates to serve as district superintendents and in other education strategy and leadership roles.
“We are thrilled to announce the new Ed.D in Educational Leadership at PLU,” said PLU Associate Dean of Education Allison Drago. “This is an incredible opportunity for educational leaders to advance their career and knowledge to ensure they remain competitive in today’s complex education landscape,” continued Drago, who will serve as the program’s director.
With a focus on educational leadership in P-12 schools, especially equity-minded instructional leadership, students in this non-dissertation-based Ed.D program will learn how to identify and analyze the theories, research, and policies related to the study of K-12 educational leadership: ethics and social justice, inquiry, policy, and leadership development. The program also includes two job-embedded applied projects focused on program evaluation and instructional leadership and equity impacts in P-12 schools and districts.
The Ed.D program at PLU adopts a cohort model with a blended, low-residency program design. Courses will be delivered online and will require on-campus attendance once a month on Fridays and Saturdays. This flexible schedule is tailored to align with the K-12 academic calendar. The Ed.D program will enroll a cohort every other year. It is now accepting applications for Summer 2023.
Candidates can apply to either the Ed.D with Washington Superintendent Certification, which includes a year-long internship in a P-12 district, or a pathway for a certified Superintendent to complete a doctoral degree. Working school leaders such as building principals and district administrators can earn the Superintendent Certification in 15 months and obtain their Ed.D in three years. Certified superintendents can complete the doctoral degree in three years.
“The addition of this program to PLU’s other education graduate program offerings demonstrates our ongoing commitment to developing equity-minded instructional leaders and delivering intellectually challenging, collaborative learning experiences that assist students in reaching their personal and professional goals,” said Drago.