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Professor Wendy Shore receives 2023 Faculty Excellence Award in Mentoring

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Image: Professor of Psychology Wendy Shore (PLU Photo / Sy Bean)

January 25, 2024
By Jeffrey Roberts
PLU Marketing & Communications

The Faculty Excellence Award in Mentoring recognizes the efforts of a faculty member who serves as a personal or professional guide to students or colleagues and makes a profound difference in the lives of others as a role model, confidant, critic or co-learner. Professor of Psychology Wendy Shore received the Faculty Excellence Award in Mentoring.

PLU sponsors Faculty Excellence Awards to recognize outstanding accomplishments of the faculty in five areas of faculty work: teaching, advising, mentoring, research, and service. Their peers have nominated and selected the recipients, signifying their high regard among those who know them well.

Shore exemplifies her mentoring philosophy by forming profound connections with her students. As a colleague shared, “Dr. Shore initiates mentoring relationships with grace and care, seamlessly blending encouragement with constructive feedback.” 

In her nomination packet, colleagues and former students shared examples of Shore’s unwavering support and invaluable guidance during pivotal life moments, with the recurrent theme being her genuine concern for individual growth.

Former students described how they continue to trust Shore with questions about professional and personal lives–a testament to the enduring nature of the relationships she cultivates. From instilling confidence in a high school senior considering PLU to guiding student researchers and mentoring faculty and staff on campus, Shore’s impact is immeasurable.

The Faculty Excellence Award in Mentoring was established by a gift from the late Tom Carlson, Professor of Biology, and honors Professor Emeritus of Biology Art Gee, who excelled as a mentor to colleagues and students in his many years of service on the faculty.