PLU’s High School Programming Contest Clicks Into Overdrive
PLU’s High School Programming Contest Clicks Into Overdrive Students compete at PLU’s fourth annual High School Programming Contest on Feb. 1. (Photo: John Struzenberg ’15) By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications PLU’s inaugural High School Programming Contest, in 2011, drew 32 student competitors…

PLU’s Army ROTC Wins 3rd MacArthur Award in 4 Years
PLU’s Army ROTC Wins 3 rd MacArthur Award in 4 Years Members of PLU’s Army ROTC department gather for a land-navigation exercise outside PLU in January 2014. (Photo: PLU Army ROTC) By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications Pacific Lutheran University’s Army Reserve Officers’…

PLU Nursing Students Top in Exam Pass Rates
PLU Nursing Students Top in Exam Pass Rates PLU Nursing student Haley Urdahl ’15 works in the Ramstad lab. (Photo: John Froschauer / PLU) By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications The results are in for the 2013 NCLEX-RN exams, and for the second…

Lute Plays Piano ‘Up Close with the Masters’
Lute Plays Piano ‘Up Close with the Masters’ Natalie Burton ’13 plays a Bach piece on the piano for master pianist Vladimir Feltsman during Portland Piano International’s Up Close With the Masters series. (Photo courtesy of Portland Piano International) A Q&A With Natalie Burton ’13…

Relay for Life
PLU Relay for Life Wins 5th National Top 10 Award Participants in PLU’s 2013 Relay for Life raised more than $25,000 for the American Cancer Society. (Photo: John Froschauer / PLU) By Sandy Deneau Dunham Content Editor In April 2013, more than 400 Lutes participated…

SCC Exhibit Opens Feb. 6
A mock-up of one of the panels in the exhibit Us Local People: Sámi Vuoiŋŋa and Resilience . (Courtesy of the Scandinavian Cultural Center.) Scandinavian Cultural Center Exhibit Kicks Off Months-Long Human-Rights Inquiry at PLU By Sandy Deneau Dunham, Content Editor Pacific Lutheran University’s renowned…

Mortar Board
PLU Earns Prestigious Mortar Board Chapter By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU is populated with outstanding student leaders and meaningful, campuswide ways to recognize them—from Emerging Leaders to the Ubuntu Award and Pinnacle Society—but until now, there was no opportunity for national recognition. That’s where Mortar…
Luke Olson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uu94p78Pz0 ‘Sunrise’ and Stardom By Sandy Deneau Dunham One amazing Sunrise is shining quite a spotlight on Luke Olson ’16. Olson and his band, The Olson Bros, are the new national champions of The Texaco Country Showdown songwriting contest, billed as the nation’s largest and…

PLU Hosts Traditional Sankta Lucia Fest on Dec. 6
The Sankta Lucia festival has been an annual tradition at Pacific Lutheran University since 1951. Photo: PLU files. SCC Holds Annual Sankta Lucia Fest By Sandy Deneau Dunham The Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pacific Lutheran University presents its traditional Sankta Lucia Fest at 7:30 p.m.…

Building, Lives & Service – All in One Habitat for Humanity Home
Wall-raising of the Habitat for Humanity home for Dianna and David Sullivan sponsored by PLU and Thrivent Financial on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013. Dianna Sullivan is a graduate student studying Marriage and Family Therapy. (Photo/John Froschauer) Update: Dedication Ceremony Set for Jan. 25, 2014 Building,…