Marcom Web Team

More Pets, Less Stress

Furry Therapy: ASPLU Brings Pets Back to PLU to Relieve Test Stress PLU student Maylen Anthony ’16 gets a kiss from Addy the therapy dog during finals week in December 2013. ASPLU will bring more pets to campus for Spring finals week, May 19-23. (Photo:…

LollaPLUza 2014

LollaPLUza 2014 This year’s LollaPLUza logo was designed by Samuel Hosman ’14.  Student Input Helps Make Music/Street Festival Bigger and Better Than Ever By Katie Baumann ‘14 Something great is coming to PLU. It’s big. It’s free. It’s LollaPLUza 2014. And it’s coming to Garfield…

Take Back the Night

Crowd gathers for Take Back the Night event at Red Square. The annual event is part of an international campaign to raise awareness against sexual assault. (John Froschauer, Photo). Take Back the Night event focuses PLU campus on the campaign against sexual assault By Barbara…

Making Fitness Fun

Making Fitness Fun There’s so much more to P.E. at PLU than chin-ups (although those are healthy, too!) Editor’s note: This package was conceived and produced entirely by PLU Marketing & Communications student workers. Story by James Olson ’14; video by John Struzenberg ’15;…