PLU’s Melannie Denise Cunningham is Keynote Speaker at Tacoma’s MLK Day Celebration
By Zach Powers PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, WA (Jan. 9, 2015)—Melannie Denise Cunningham, Director of Multicultural Recruiting for Pacific Lutheran University, will deliver the keynote address at the City of Tacoma’s signature January event— the 27th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration .…

Novelist Leslye Walton ’04 Nominated for Prestigious Morris Award
By Zach Powers PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, WA (Jan. 5, 2014) —Pacific Lutheran University alumna Leslye Walton has been nominated for the prestigious William C. Morris YA Debut Award for her novel The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender . First awarded in…

Recent PLU Graduates on their Careers, Convictions & Passion for Health Care
By Zach Powers PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 21, 2014)—All over the world, Pacific Lutheran University alumni are serving in a wide variety of roles in hospitals, clinics, research centers and public-health agencies, sharing a steadfast commitment of delivering world-class medical care, treatment and…

Multicultural Christmas Events on Campus Throughout December
By Zach Powers PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 10, 2014) — Since our founding 124 years ago by Scandinavian Lutheran immigrants, Pacific Lutheran University has enthusiastically celebrated the Christmas season. The final two weeks of the fall semester are full of on-campus events…

“Yes Means Yes”: A New Standard of Consent (Listen to the Full Lecture Below.)
By Zach Powers PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 8, 2014)—On Wednesday, Dec. 3, Pacific Lutheran University students, staff and faculty gathered in the Anderson University Center for the latest installment of Sex +, a yearlong campus series addressing the growing need for positive…

PLU Community Gathers for #BlackLivesMatter Forum
A forum at PLU on Dec. 4 called #BlackLivesMatter addressed issues surrounding the deaths of African Americans by police. The forum, attended by more than 250 students and members of PLU faculty, staff and community, was sponsored by the Diversity Center, the Women’s Center and…