Standing with our Asian and Asian American Pacific Islander community members
In light of the shootings in the greater metro Atlanta area earlier this month, we yet again mourn in the wake of an act of senseless violence. The impact on Asian and Asian American women nationwide — in conjunction with the rise in hate crimes…

PLU Athletics returns to action with new COVID-19 testing protocols
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, PLU student-athletes have returned to play. In December, the Northwest Conference Presidents’ Council announced competition could resume as long as federal, state, local and NCAA health directives permitted. Since then, PLU Athletics has initiated a COVID-19 testing strategy designed to…

PLU’s Master of Science in Marketing Analytics program to be offered exclusively online
The Pacific Lutheran University School of Business has announced that its Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA) program will now be offered exclusively online. The program is designed for graduate students interested in data analytics, creative corporate brand development, and digital and social marketing.…

Act Six scholar Andre Jones ‘22 grows leadership skills through outreach
When it came time to find a college, Andre Jones ‘22 had options. He considered attending a historically black college or university, like Howard University or Morehouse College. Fortunately for PLU, the Tukwila, Washington native found himself pulled closer to home. His choice of schools…

By the Numbers: PLU Professor Collaborates on a New Artwork Illuminating the Beauty of Math
PLU mathematics professor Jessica Sklar is one of 23 collaborators creating a notable work of art, soon touring the nation. Called Mathemalchemy, the installation celebrates the beauty and creativity of mathematics. The finished piece will be about 16 x 8 feet in area and 9…

Looking Outward: Mark Carrato ‘94 leads the U.S. Government’s Power Africa initiative
A year after graduating from Pacific Lutheran University, Mark Carrato ‘94 had been island hopping around rural southwestern Japan teaching English to junior high school students. But now he had a decision to make—return to the United States and begin the law school he had…
PLU Partners with Palmer Scholars to Create New Scholarship Opportunity
Pacific Lutheran University and Palmer Scholars are expanding their partnership to better serve students of color in Pierce County. For many years, Palmer Scholars have chosen PLU as their top private school choice. Since 2016, PLU has accepted 19 Scholars and has nine currently enrolled.…

President Belton’s Statement on Insurgence at the Capitol
What I saw at the Capitol this week was no surprise. There are no words to describe how sickening it was to witness this attack on our democracy, it was shocking, but it wasn’t a surprise. To put it plainly, we have deeply rooted systems…

A Tale of Two Students: Yakima area students find a home away from home
About two and a half hours east of Tacoma sits the farming community of Yakima, Washington. The Central Washington county has about 243,000 residents and is probably most notable for producing the majority of the nation’s apples and hops. But it’s also where Henry Temple…
Act Six scholar and social work major Georjina Soliai ’23 thrives at PLU
Georjina Soliai ‘23 of Lakewood, Washington grew up less than a 15-minute drive from Pacific Lutheran University. The Clover Park High School graduate was always aware of the university, but she never really considered it an option for herself. Soliai’s family moved to the United…

PLU’s MBA program named one of the nation’s best by The Princeton Review
The PLU School of Business’s MBA program has been named one of the nation’s most outstanding business schools, by The Princeton Review®. The education services company chose the school for its list “Best Business Schools for 2021”. The PLU MBA program is founded on the…

PLU Awarded $14,000 for Washington Youth Development Nonprofit Relief Fund
School’s Out Washington and the Washington State Department of Commerce has awarded Pacific Lutheran University a grant for $14,000 from its Washington Youth Development Nonprofit Relief Fund. The grant will go toward the Tacoma/South Puget Sound MESA program, which prioritizes early exposure to STEM topics…