Really? PLU profs debate questions of the day

REALLY?! Six PLU professors tackle common assumptions, age-old wisdom, folklore and controversies of the day. With a nod to the “Really?” column that frequently appears in the New York Times, we asked six faculty members from disparate disciplines to prove – or debunk – some…

Intensive caring

Intensive Caring – PLU nurses take their skills to cardiac patients at their homes By Barbara Clements Leo Rivas, a Pacific Lutheran University nursing student, had stopped by for a chat with his client, Trevor Modeste, 54, who lives in a tidy rambler tucked between…

When China Rules the World

What will the world look like when China is calling the shots? By Barbara Clements Even by the most conservative estimates, China will overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy by 2027 and will climb to the position of world economic leader by…

New Holocaust Chair at PLU

New Holocaust Studies Chair announced at Pacific Lutheran University By Steve Hansen When the third annual Powell and Heller Holocaust Conference wrapped up its last session on March 20, organizers viewed the three-day event as nothing short of a success, especially with the announcement of…

Claim: The unexamined life is not worth living

Claim: The unexamined life is not worth living Socrates is heralded as the first real philosopher in the Western tradition. He embarked on a quest for wisdom. Finding little wisdom, but lots of self-certainty, he began his job as the gadfly of Athens. He asked…

Claim: A carbon tax will reduce pollution

Claim: A carbon tax will reduce pollution In general, a tax on an action induces people to do less of the action. A “carbon tax” would raise the price of consuming goods like fossil fuels that cause carbon dioxide emissions, thus giving incentive to consume…

Really? PLU profs debate the questions of the day.

Claim: The jury is still out about global warming Claire Todd, Visiting Assistant Professor of Geosciences and Environmental Studies Recent events such as the snowstorms in the eastern United States have caused some to question whether or not global temperatures are increasing. To address these…

Upright dignity

Upright dignity:Making a difference, one wheelchair at a time By Chris Albert In the distance as the dust sifts through the air, a middle-aged Iraqi man walks to a makeshift United States military medical station. Draped in his arms is a young child, his son.…