Diverse music, dance styles mark Dance 2008

Diverse music, dance styles mark Dance 2008 A vibrant and dynamic series of performances marked PLU’s Dance 2008 in Eastvold Auditorium. The night’s program featured students, alumna and faculty choreographers, and a guest choreographer. The Dance Ensemble performed a collection of dances in the style…

New dean of the School of Business named

New dean of the School of Business named An expert in marketing, management and organizational behavior has been named dean of the School of Business. James L. Brock, 63, has had a distinguished career in higher education administration, teaching and writing. He has been the…

Art software has applications across campus

Art software has applications across campus It looked like a photograph of a cell phone sitting on a table, only it wasn’t. The image wasn’t real at all. It was created using a 3-D digital modeling tool called Rhinoceros Software , Rhino for short. Created…

Vote for the first Hebrew Idol

Vote for the first Hebrew Idol In another PLU twist on Fox’s popular singing series “American Idol,” assistant religion professor Tony Finitsis is bringing “Hebrew Idol 2008” to campus. The event stems from the final project in his “Religion and Literature of the Old Testament”…

Economist Arthur Laffer to discuss U.S. economy

Economist Arthur Laffer discusses U.S. economy Economist and consultant Arthur Laffer visited PLU to offer his view on the current climate of recession, deficits and tax stimulus packages. Known as “the father of supply-side economics,” Laffer was a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory…