Six Word Stories

Six word stories Taking a cue from novelist Ernest Hemingway— who, according to literary legend, was once challenged to write a short story in only six words—we want to hear the best six-word stories about your PLU experience! The most compelling stories from students, alumni,…

The Career Whisperer

The Career Whisperer Hans Stegemoeller ’14 shakes hands with Scott Myhre of Pariveda Solutions at the 2014 Career Expo at PLU. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) New Graduate Had a Job Before He Had a Diploma By Shunying Wang ’15 Many college seniors encounter a real-life challenge…

Life-Changing Connections Across Time and Continents

Life-Changing Connections Across Time and Continents The ‘Namibia Nine’ film crew on location, from left: Andrea Capere, Princess Reese, Joanne Lisosky, Melannie Denise Cunningham, Shunying Wang, Maurice Byrd. PLU Film Team Spends a Month in Namibia Exploring Transformative Experiences in Higher Ed—Including Their Own By…

The Sweet Taste of Summertime at PLU

Participants enjoy the 2013 Berry Festival outside the Anderson University Center. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) The Sweet Taste of Summertime at PLU By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications PLU’s annual Fruit Festival lunchtime concert series kicks off June 11 and continues one Wednesday a…