Come find a job
Looking for that first job? Try the career fair. PLU’s annual career fairs will be filling up every inch of the UC beginning Oct. 28, and it’s a place where both employers and students can check each other out, and possibly help you find that…
Three local journalists share PLU experiences
A PLU education made a difference Three journalism graduates, from three decades, representing three Seattle media outlets shared insights on sports reporting during a Homecoming panel discussion Friday. Art Thiel ’75, Tom Glasgow ’81 and Chris Eagan ’95 spoke on how their PLU education helped…
Nurses share insight into the world
Nurses tell of worldwide travels during panel They’ve traveled to the far corners of the globe: Liberia, Iraq, Vietnam and Colombia. They’ve seen desperate poverty, bombed out buildings, and quite frankly, incompetent medical care. However, the four nurses, all PLU alumni who returned to talk…
Homecoming 2008
Homecoming 2008 This year’s Homecoming activities begin today, with a talk at 10:30 a.m. by Scott Westering, ’82, PLU’s head football coach, at the Homecoming Chapel. With the theme, “Get in the Game,” the annual event will focus on the camaraderie of teams, specifically the…
What does being a Lute really mean?
What does being a Lute really mean? A record crowd of faculty, staff and continuing students welcomed over 1,000 new students with a standing ovation as they processed into opening Convocation on Sept. 8.Bruce Bjerke ’72, vice-chair of the Board of Regents brought greetings on…
PLU grad receives national journalism award
PLU grad receives national journalism award The Society of Professional Journalists honored PLU graduate Breanne Coats ’08 with the 2008 Julie Galvan Outstanding Graduate in Journalism Award. The national award recognizes one graduate who is considered the most outstanding on the basis of character, community…
Basketball adventure
Third-generation Lute takes the long route to PLU For Zach Klein, the old saying, “you can’t get there from here,” comes about as close to accurate as one can imagine. A freshman guard on the PLU men’s basketball team, most people probably haven’t heard about…
Making choices
Life is about choices. What choices have you made? A few years ago, student body president Joel Zylstra addressed the incoming freshman class at Fall Convocation. His timeless reflection on the meaning of success captures the unique culture of Pacific Lutheran University and the life-changing…
Next of kin
Next of kin: the ethics of eating, capturing, and experimenting on great apes One of the pressing problems of our times is the future of the great apes. All of the great apes – chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans – are endangered. Their habitat is…
Aiding medical work abroad
Alumna aids medical work abroad The dirt landscape of southern Sudan stretches for miles, and roads are few and far between. Villages dot the landscape. One of these villages, over the last decade, has grown particularly large. Located hundreds of miles from any road, this…
Developing athletes into leaders
Developing athletes into leaders Jen Thomas ’98, ’99 wears many hats in the PLU athletic department. She’s the assistant athletic director, a senior woman administrator and assistant athletic trainer. She’s also the mentor for the Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC). The council is one of…
Barr reflects on her PLU education, work overseas
Barr reflects on her PLU education, work overseas Career diplomat Joyce Barr ’76 spoke to the Class of 2008 and their families during Spring Commencement on May 25 at the Tacoma Dome. The following is the text of her speech: Chair Gomulkiewicz, President Anderson, Provost…