A recommitment to sustainability

PLU President Thomas W. Krise talks about the importance of sustainability at the university after signing the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment agreement in October. (Photos by John Froschauer) PLU reaffirms its commitment to leading the way in a commitment to sustainability By…

The value of the bourgeoisie

Deirdre N. McCloskey – distinguished professor of economics, history, English, and communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago – spoke about the value of the middle-class during the annual Dale E. Benson Lecture in Business and Economic History. (Photo by John Struzenberg ’15) The…

‘IBM and the Holocaust’

In Edwin Black’s book “IBM and the Holocaust” he examines IBM’s complicit work in creating a database for the Third Reich’s final solution. ‘IBM and the Holocaust’ By Barbara Clements University Communications Edwin Black remembers walking into the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum with his parents…

Unlocking the secrets of Tut

Unlocking the Secrets of Tutankhamun’s Gold Mask   Tutankhamun’s magnificent gold mask is surely the best-known Egyptian artwork in the world. Or is it? In fact, the piece preserves an astonishing secret: It had never been intended for Tutankhamun at all. Come listen to noted…

Voices from empty chairs

The Reinhold Neibuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York, Larry Rasmussen gives the keynote address during the Lutheran Perspectives on Political Life. (Photos by Jesse Major ’14) Voices from empty chairs By Chris Albert The human species’ role in…