Life of the Mind
Life of the Mind: Democracy & the American Dream – for DREAMers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47Pk401CS6M About the DREAM Act – and DREAMers Named after the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, a measure first proposed in 2001, DREAMers are undocumented immigrant high-school graduates who are…

A Veteran Soccer Player
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq3lW0AVSJo A Veteran Soccer Player By Valery Jorgensen ’15 PLU’s men’s soccer team gained a veteran player this season—in every sense of the word. Jeremy Dornbusch ’15, a transfer student with sophomore standing, is a war veteran and a seasoned soccer player. In his eight…

The changing Constitution
The changing Constitution By Valery Jorgensen ’15 In celebration of the 226 anniversary of the United States Constitution , Pacific Lutheran University hosted speaker Leno Rose-Avila, and a panel discussion on immigrant rights. Rose-Avila is the Executive Director of Seattle’s Office of Immigrant and Refugee…

Cancer survivor inspires teammates with spirit, perseverance and a mid-90s fastball
Photo by John Froschauer Cancer survivor inspires teammates with spirit, perseverance and a mid-90s fastball By Nick Dawson It was only one pitch, but it was a pitch filled with emotion for PLU pitcher Max Beatty ’14 and the entire PLU baseball family – coaches,…

Rock the Casbah: Challenges and Solutions in the Middle East
Editor’s note: PLU students will be live Tweeting the event, join in the conversation by following the hashtag #rockthecasbah from the PLU News Twitter account . If you are not able to attend checkout plu.edu for a live webstream of the event. Ambassador Chris Stevens…

Cross-town rivalry, free admission for the community
Cross-town rivalry – free admission for the community PLU hosts the University of Puget Sound for its cross-town rivalry game Tuesday, Jan. 29 in Olson Auditorium. Admission for the game is free for Tacoma area residents. Help us keep track of the number of people…

Fields of Dreams
Shane Gutierrez takes a corner kick at PLU’s new soccer complex. Photo by John Froschauer. Fields of Dreams Changes to PLU’s athletic facilities will improve not only the student-athlete experience, but the experiences of all students By Steve Hansen In many ways, the season-opening 4-2…

Game On!
Game On! Some of the ‘Stuen Accommodators’ get loud – it’s what they do. From left to right: Kory Miller ’14, Amy Delo ’15, Chris Guiducci ’14, Steffi Mack ’15. By Steve Hansen Chris Guiducci ’14 likes to yell. So does his intramural team.…
Rowing ropes in students from other sports
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlyO7OxYBp4 Rowing ropes in students from other sports By Katie Scaff ’13 While most of campus is still asleep, 29 students are up eating their oatmeal or their bananas and piling into their cars to drive to American Lake. They typically arrive around 4:50 a.m.,…

Athlete. Coach. Educator.
Professor Colleen Hacker brings experiences working with world-class athletes to students at PLU. Athlete. Coach. Educator. By Katie Scaff ’13 PLU professor of Movement Studies and Wellness Education Colleen Hacker rarely uses hypothetical situations to help her students learn new concepts —as an athlete that…
Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team earns trip to nationals
Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team earns trip to nationals The PLU Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team won the Northwest Conference Championship this April, securing a trip to the NCAA DIII nationals. The team swept through the conference tournament defeating Willamette 14-10, Lewis & Clark 15-3, University of…

Groundbreaking sets all-purpose field plans in motion
From the right, Kim Wilson ’76, Sheri Tonn, Tom Absher, Brad Cheney, Laurie Turner, Bruce Bjerke ’72, Frank Hewins ’86, and Thomas Suek ’12, shovel dirt. (Photo by John Froschauer) Groundbreaking sets all-purpose field plans in motion By Chris Albert This past Friday, April 13,…