Study away blog roundup

Lutes around the world This January, more than 300 PLU students spent the term studying in places across the globe. Learn about their experiences through blogposts. The Birthplace of Western Music (Austria/Czech Republic/Slovakia) Saturday, Jan 12, 2013 By Karla Stoermer Is this real Life? The…


iPhoneography By Jesse Major ’15 IPhoneography, photography on the iPhone, is an art form that is getting more popular . Beatrice “Bea” Geller, associate professor of art and design, taught a class on this emerging medium during J-Term. She taught iPhoneography based on her first…

Economics of golf

Economics of golf By Jesse Major ’15 An unconventional approach to economics that allows students to shoot lasers and travel PGA tour destinations was taught this J-Term by Mark Reiman, associate professor of economics. This class, The Economics of Golf, was inspired by a book…

One step at a time

Anthony Markuson ’14, Bill Pursell (Kelsie Leu’s uncle), Anna McCracken ’13, and Leu ’13 summited Mt. Kilimanjaro to celebrate the end of their study away experiences. One step at a time By Chris Albert The guides up the mountain keep a cadence of “pole, pole”…