A summer job that doesn’t suck
A summer job that doesn’t suck By Steve Hansen Of all the potentially tedious summer jobs, here’s a new one: spending hours on your knees, rolling over one boulder after another, just to see what’s underneath. For Stephanie Agoncillo ’08 and Melissa Youngquist ’09, this…
College: First in family
College: First in family Maurice Eckstein was riding home in a cab after his shift as the night concierge at a hotel in his native Trinidad last year, when his eye stopped on an advertisement. It offered local students a chance to mix with a…
Tutoring program touches refugees
Tutoring program touches refugees The makeshift classroom buzzed with life as dozens of Somali Bantu children worked with PLU student-volunteers to solve math problems, sound out words and learn their colors. Jessica Baumer ’09 tried to get 13-year-old Murjan Jatar to focus on completing his…
Student, professor investigate untold story of WWII
Student, professor investigate untold story of WWII In the spring of 1942, 10,000 soldiers were sent to the Yukon. Their task: construct the 1,500-mile military road, the Alaska-Canada Highway, to be used to repel a possible invasion by the Japanese during World War II. Sitting…
Next of kin
Next of kin: the ethics of eating, capturing, and experimenting on great apes One of the pressing problems of our times is the future of the great apes. All of the great apes – chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans – are endangered. Their habitat is…
Building relationships, building scholars
Building relationships, building scholars Academic posters, scholarly articles and videos illustrated the intellectual life of the university at the third annual Student-Faculty Research Reception. Sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the reception is just one venue where faculty and student researchers display their work…
Gala marks a decade of Jazz Under the Stars
Gala marks a decade of Jazz Under the Stars Warm summer nights, picnic dinners, stargazing and the soothing sounds of jazz all add up to the PLU summertime favorite Jazz Under the Stars. For a decade, the free outdoor concert series has brought popular Northwest…
Playing in the mud
Playing in the mud Outfitted in waders and armed with oranges, shallow plastic trays and pH testing kits, faculty members and alumni trudged into Clover Creek. Under the watchful guidance of environmental studies faculty, the group was learning to collect field data about the creek,…
Students participate in economics conference
Students participate in economics conference Looking at the cluster of PLU students making last-minute preparations before a mock meeting of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Mark Gould ’91 said it was at a conference much like this where he got his start 17 years…
University Center earns LEED silver
University Center earns LEED silver The renovated University Center has reached silver-level certification in the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program.“It makes you feel good; we’re not creating more problems for the world,” said John Kaniss, construction projects manager…
Regents recognize faculty, student leaders
Regents recognize faculty, student leaders At the annual spring meeting, the Board of Regents approved 12 faculty recipients of Regency Advancement Awards and recognized student and faculty leaders. The Regency Advancement Awards are intended to enhance opportunities for professional development and encourage faculty to pursue…
The ‘holy cow’ moment
‘The holy cow’ moment As Clarice Swanson ’89 walks in the barn located on her family’s 400-acre Walla Walla cattle ranch, her mind isn’t on the hundred or so Herefords and Black Angus chewing on new grass just down the road. It’s on the tiny…