PLU Welcomes New Nursing Dean

Shelia Smith, new Dean of the School of Nursing. John Froschauer, Photographer Liberal Arts and Nursing. A Perfect Match of Science and Compassion By Barbara Clements PLU Marketing and Communications Pacific Lutheran University’s new Dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Sheila Smith, says she…

Convocation 2014

Ringing in PLU’s 125th year Watch live coverage of PLU’s 2014 Convocation, the official kickoff to the university’s 125th academic year. We are excited for the start of PLU’s 125th academic year! President Thomas W. Krise invites new and continuing students, as well as family…

Summer Research Program

Mackenzie Deane ’15 and Professor Tina Saxowsky worked together this summer during a summer research project looking at the growth of yeast cells. (John Froschauer, Photo) By Barbara Clements Content Development Director PLU Marketing and Communication While many of her friends might be out enjoying…