Daffodil Royalty Blossoms at PLU

Daffodil Royalty Blossoms at PLU Five members of the 2014 Pierce County Royal Daffodil Court are all new Lutes this fall. From left: KayLee Weist, Nina Thach, Marissa Modestowicz (queen), Ji Larson and Kaetlynn Brown. (Photo: John Struzenberg ’16) 5 Members of the 2014 Court…

PLU Welcomes New Nursing Dean

Shelia Smith, new Dean of the School of Nursing. John Froschauer, Photographer Liberal Arts and Nursing. A Perfect Match of Science and Compassion By Barbara Clements PLU Marketing and Communications Pacific Lutheran University’s new Dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Sheila Smith, says she…