Textbook comparison program

New online textbook comparison program offers students a chance to compare, and save By Barbara Clements The Garfield Book Company wants students shopping for their books this fall to come to the bookstore site to shop and compare.   The GBC offers text book comparisons.…

New man on campus

New director has an ‘open door policy’ By Kari Plog ’11 Campus Safety has a new front man. Pacific Lutheran University welcomes Sgt. Greg Premo as the new director and he plans to continue with the success former director Tony Berger left behind. “I got…

College is Hard

BIOL 125/126: Molecules, Cells and Organisms/ Genes, Diversity and Ecology Name: Sean Boaglio Hometown: Longview, Wash. Major: Undeclared, leaning Biology Professor: Jacob Egge, assistant professor of biology Sean’s advice to first-year students: “Study with someone. It is a great way to meet people in your…

Studying a situation from all angles

BUSA 201: Value Creation in the Global Environment Name: Steven Mattich Hometown: Olympia, Wash. Major: Undeclared, leaning Business or Economics Professor: Carol Ptak, distinguished executive in residence Steven’s advice to first-year students: “If you want to check out a class that you are thinking about…

Hebrew Idol

Hebrew Idol showcases a different view of the Bible, theology By Chris Albert According to Assistant Professor of Religion Antonios Finitsis, there’s one real advantage to teaching a religion course: Nobody really knows all it entails. “They think religion is confined,” he said. “People do…