The Great Northwest

Knee deep in love When Linnea Olson came down to her top-two college choices, one was near her hometown of Rochester, Minn. Another was across the country in the Pacific Northwest. So, she decided to surprise herself and do something different. She came out west…

Meeting Obama

Freshman meets Obama Christney Kpodo has Oct. 13 marked forever on her calendar. That’s the day she shook the hand of President Barack Obama. She even gave the leader of the free world a hug. Kpodo, 18, was one of five youths who, through competing…


Where the classes are hard. And the issues? Harder. By Steve Hansen Josh Stromberg and Catherine Cheng aren’t together in any of the same classes. They’re not studying the same major. They’re not even in the same year. (He graduates next year; she a year…

MediaLab wins Emmy

MediaLab wins Emmy award Four student researcher-filmmakers in Pacific Lutheran University’s MediaLab program won a 2009 College Division Emmy Award at the 46th Annual Northwest Regional Emmy Awards Ceremony. Junior Melissa Campbell and seniors Julie Olds, Shannon Schrecengost and Emilie Firn were honored for their…