Family & Supporters LUTE Welcome (Orientation) Schedule @ a Glance
Therefore, LUTE Welcome is also designed to welcome families and supporters to the Lute Community: Sessions on Friday, August 30, 2024 are designed just for you while your new student spends time with their peer-led LUTE Group. There are also additional sessions throughout LUTE Welcome weekend that families and supporters are invited and encouraged to attend with their new Lute!
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2024 - EVENTS | TIME | LOCATION &/or how to ACCESS | |
LUTE Welcome (LW) Headquarters & Recharge Room Optional: Your one-stop-shop for all-things LW; stop by if/when you have any questions! | 8:00AM-4:00PM | Anderson University Center (AUC) Grey Area (Main Floor, North Side of Building) | |
Move In & LUTE Welcome Check-In for Residents REQUIRED for Residents: First stop for new first-year and transfer residential students! Feel free to join your new residential Lute! | 8:30AM-11:30AM | Residence Halls (check your PLU email for details) | |
Lutes Commute Welcome Check-In for Commuter Students REQUIRED for Commuters: First stop for new first-year and transfer commuting students! | 10:00AM-11:00AM | Anderson University Center CAVE (AUC Basement) | |
Lutes Commute Welcome for Commuter Students REQUIRED for Commuters: A special welcome program for new commuter students hosted by Dr. Joanna Royce-Davis, Vice President for Student Life and the Community Director for the Lutes Commute Community | 11:15AM-11:50PM | Anderson University Center (AUC), Chris Knutson Hall (room 214) | |
HUNGRY? Optional: Residents lunch on your own | 10:30AM-12:45PM | Options for Residents: 208 Garfield, Anderson University Center (AUC) Commons, & Old Main Market (OMM) | |
DJS Desserts Optional: Swing by the DJS Lounge to meet and mingle with Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability staff, students, and other new students and families. Students of Color and LGBTQAI2S+ students are strongly encouraged to stop by and bring their families/supporters with them. | 11:30AM-12:30PM | Anderson University Center (AUC) DJS Lounge (AUC Lower Level) | |
Lutes Commute Lunch Optional: Commuters lunch in small groups (lunch is provided) | 12:00PM-12:45PM | Anderson University Center (AUC), Chris Knutson Hall (room 214), The CAVE (Lower Level of AUC) | |
Welcome Back Alumni Lunch For families & supporters who are also PLU alumni (and their new students) | 12:00PM-1:00PM | Anderson University Center (AUC) Scandinavian Cultural Center (Room 100) By invitation (pre-registration required) | |
Welcome to PLU: Opening Keynote Learn what it means to join the Lute Community: Diversity, Justice, & Sustainability (DJS), Vocation, and Lutheran Higher Education. | 1:00 PM-2:15PM | Olson Gym | |
Navigating the Transition A session for Lute families & supporters | 2:30PM-4:00PM | Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (First Floor) | |
¡Bienvenidas, Bienvenidos, Bienvenides! Una orientación para familias y comunidad en español | 2:30PM-4:00PM | Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Ness Family Chapel Lobby (2nd Floor) | |
Parkland Night Market REQUIRED: A fun, "night market" style introduction to the Parkland community. Reception open to New Students, Families, Supporters, & Parkland Community Members | 4:30PM-6:30PM | Foss Field (Lower Campus) | |
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