Program Outcomes Self-Reflection Paper Guidelines

The Program Outcomes Self-reflection Paper documents professional development and measures student achievement of expected program outcomes. The student’s self-reflection paper documents their achievement of the program objectives, their development of self-assessment skills as they reflect on work they have completed throughout their program of study, and how their work represents their professional development. This formal paper is a synthesis of knowledge gained and clinical experiences.

The PLU Program Outcomes Self-Reflection is a formal paper that adheres to the professional writing standards of APA.  Grading rubrics are provided in the resources sections of the Learning Management Systems (Sakai and Canvas) in the designated courses at the beginning and end of the programs of study.

Reflection: The Program Outcomes Self-Reflection paper should demonstrate the ability of the student to reflect on their progress through the curriculum and demonstrate their growth within each program outcome.  Students may represent this as a journey from point A at the start of the program to point B at the end of the program. Students should demonstrate improvement in skills, knowledge, and abilities related to each piece of the program outcome. Explanation of only the highlights and best moments of the program demonstrates achievement but not growth or reflective practice of the overall nursing school experience.

Evidence: Students should discuss assignments and personal work from each course within their Program Outcomes Self-Reflection paper to bolster and supplement their reflection within each outcome. Evidence shall comprise works and achievements the student created through the curriculum.

Liberal Arts: Liberal Arts courses are non-nursing courses utilized to obtain the BSN degree regardless if they were taken at PLU.  The Liberal Arts reflection should discuss how these non-nursing courses have influenced or helped your progress in each program outcome. The reflection should demonstrate an integration of your Liberal Arts education within your nursing experience.

Students should establish a habit of self-reflection time after each semester in their program of study.  While this formal paper is due in the final semester of the program, it is highly recommended that students take time to critically reflect on their experiences throughout the program to provide a rich, comprehensive self-analysis during their senior semester.

After graduation from PLU, the Program Outcomes Self-Reflection paper may be used as a resource during job interviews and for applications to graduate school.