Dean's Welcome
A Message from Dean Rhoberta Haley
Dear Students, Alumni, Staff, Faculty, and Friends of Nursing:
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Pacific Lutheran University School of Nursing. You are joining a nursing school with a long history of educational excellence and service in the Pacific Northwest.
The PLU School of Nursing promotes the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities through education, scholarship and service. Our core values of inquiry, service, leadership and care guide our mission. We nurture inclusive excellence and create a learning environment that values equity, inclusion and belonging.
Understanding the social determinants of health and addressing health care disparities are not just part of our work, they are our mission. Through this mission, we can make a profound difference in the lives of our patients and our community neighbors.
Our nursing programs offer degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels and continuing education for health care professionals. These programs, designed to meet the needs of patients and their families, our health care partners, and nurses in our region, have a profound impact on our community. We are proud of the difference we make and grateful for your support in this vital work.
For those of you just beginning your Nursing education journey, we welcome you! It is an amazing time to join a trusted and dynamic profession that makes a difference every day. For returning graduate students and continuing education participants, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for partnering with us in this vital work to provide expert nursing care and address health care disparities. We are deeply grateful to our clinical partners, donors, and supporters for the learning opportunities and invaluable support you provide to students and faculty—you make this journey possible. Our dedicated faculty and staff are here to support and guide you toward achieving your goals, and we encourage you to reach out whenever you need assistance.
Wishing you a wonderful year of learning and serving others,
Rhoberta Haley, PhD, RN
Dean, School of Nursing
Pacific Lutheran University

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