Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI)
(STTI) is the honor society for nurses and nursing students. Nominated students are recognized for demonstrating outstanding scholarly and leadership achievements. The PLU School of Nursing participates in the Psi Chapter-at-Large within STTI.
Upcoming Events
9 Jan 2023 - Application deadline for international leadership positions (ALL Sigma Event)
Complete the application at https://sigmanursing.formstack.com/forms/sigma_nomination_application
The 2021-2023 Leadership Succession Committee (LSC) is accepting applications for elected leadership positions until 9 January 2023. The LSC is committed to creating a ballot that reflects the diverse and international membership of the organization. It is our charge to present a ballot comprised of people who can best lead the organization over the next biennium. We hope you will apply!
18 Jan 2023 11AM EST - What’s Next? A Virtual Tour of Sigma (ALL Sigma Event)
Register at https://sigmanursing.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqceqvrjktGdx7ybPA7E614-LjFcmXON-J
As a member of Sigma, there are a lot of opportunities for you to take advantage of! Attend this session to take a tour of the “My Membership” portal, where you’ll create your membership experience.
10-12 Feb 2023 - Creating Healthy Work Environments 2023 in Austin, Tx (ALL Sigma Event)
Register at https://www.sigmanursing.org/connect-engage/meetings-events/chwe/registration
In today’s environment, organizations and universities need to be equipped, nimble, and resilient. Learn about research and best practices to transform workplaces and universities like yours.
15 Feb 2023 1-3PM PST- Crossing Borders: Showcasing Research from Academia to Bedside (Psi-at-Large Event)
This event will be a combined FREE conference from Psi at-Large, Stanford University’s Alpha Alpha Lambda at-Large, and University of Alberta’s Mu Sigma Chapter. Registrations and Continuing Professional Development information is coming soon. Log on via Zoom and join the discussion. Make your voice and questions heard! Be bold!
Social Media