Kayla Harvey, PhD, MSN, PNP-BC
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Phone: 253.535.7672
Email: kayla.harvey@plu.edu
- Biography
After many years of experience as a pediatric nurse practitioner in the critical and acute care setting, I have expanded my practice into research in order to better understand and support families during a pediatric hospitalization. I enjoy sharing my clinical experience and researcher insight as faculty working with nursing students at PLU.
PhD: University of Washington, Doctor of Nursing Science
Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN): University of California, San Francisco, Pediatric Primary Care/Critical Care Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN): University of Florida, Gainesville, BSN
Teaching Areas
Lead faculty for NURS 360, Nursing Research course, Baccalaureate program, School of Nursing, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington.
Lead faculty for NURS 702, Nursing Informatics course, Doctoral program, School of Nursing, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington.
Pediatric clinical instructor NURS 380, Baccalaureate program, School of Nursing, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington.
Scholarly Interests
My current research interests include exploring the psychological sequelae of the pediatric medical traumatic stress of a hospitalization on parents and young children and examining the function of the attachment system in the presence of a life-threatening event.
Current Practice
Part-time faculty for the BSN and DNP programs at PLU. Researcher working on my PhD dissertation study.
Multicare Health Systems, Research project: Parent and Nurse Expectations and Perceptions of Pain Control in Children after Heart Surgery, One-year contract (private grant) as a consultant, speaker, program development, and researcher. (2017)
Post-Operative Pain and Comfort in Children After Heart Surgery: A Comparison of Nurses and Families Pre-operative Expectations. Harvey, KA and Kovalesky, A. Journal of Pediatric Nursing (2018) 43: 9–15. (Principle Investigator).
Experiences of mothers of infants with congenital heart disease before, during, and after complex cardiac surgery. Harvey, KA, Kovlalesky, A, Woods, RK, Loan, LA. Journal of Heart & Lung (2013) Nov-Dec;42(6):399-406. Epub 2013 Sep 21. (Principle Investigator)
Abstract Poster Presentation. What do parents expect regarding their child’s comfort after heart surgery? Western Institute of Nursing, Annual research conference, Spokane, WA. (2018)
Professional Awards
Top Scholar Award, Doctoral Study, University of Washington, School of Nursing (2017-2018)
Allen Nursing School Term Scholarship, University of Washington, School of Nursing (2019)
Social Media