Providing Classroom Accommodations
Accommodating students with disabilities in higher education is an active collaborative effort between faculty, students, disability services and staff. Coordinated efforts and support from departmental, administrative, facilities, and other student service personnel can also enhance the overall accessibility of the postsecondary environment for students with disabilities.

Faculty Notification Letters
Faculty Notification Letters are emailed to professors once signed permission from the student has been obtained. The letter identifies the individual student needing accommodations and specifies the accommodations needed. For convenience, the actions requested of professors are presented in bold text. Students should meet with their faculty members to discuss their needed accommodations.
Common Accommodations
Extended Time on Tests or Testing in a Separate Space
Extended time or separate space is available for students on a first come first served basis since space is limited and cannot be guaranteed. Students are encouraged to schedule their exams at least one week ahead and two or more weeks for finals. Tests must come with the information supplied on the test proctoring card in order for it to be proctored in our office. At all times we will protect the integrity and security of your test. Most of our rooms are supplied with cameras. For more information about test proctoring, please read the memo we send out with Letters of Accommodation regarding test proctoring.
Ergonomic Chairs and Adjustable Tables
Please leave all tables and chairs labeled by our office where they are placed. If you do need to move or use the table or chair, please call our office at ext. 7206.
Recording Lectures
Students may bring in a recording device to record in-class lecture. Professors may have the student sign a contract (page 21, Faculty & Staff Handbook) ensuring that the copyrighted material will not be duplicated.
Books on DVD or CD
Students with visual and/or learning disabilities may receive texts in alternative format. It is imperative that professors choose their text and submit it to the bookstore as early as possible, as it is a time consuming process to have the texts converted. It is also helpful if texts selected are not out of print. Please note that it is very expensive to legally copy textbooks. Also, if we have an older edition in our library, you may be asked to allow the existing CD to be used.
Assistive technology
Several programs are available to assist students.
Sign Language Interpreters and Realtime Captioners
Students with profound hearing loss use sign language interpreters or real time captioners to “hear” lectures. Interpreters are hired and paid through the OAA Office. Because interpreters and realtime captioners must be arranged well in advance, giving students ample notice of field trips, class cancellations, etc., is greatly appreciated.
Allergy Considerations
For faculty, staff and students sensitive to white board markers, the PLU Bookstore has vapor-less, low-odor whiteboard markers available. In addition, the OAA Office attempts to maintain a relatively chemical-free environment.