Online Learning at Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Lutheran University has a strong history of providing students with an exceptional learning experience. Yet across the world, higher education is enveloped in transformation, with technology innovation increasingly influencing the process of teaching and learning. As PLU moves into the future, it is possible to embrace the new while remaining grounded in the University’s history and values.
Online and blended programs for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students extend the university’s mission beyond campus borders, providing high-quality options that meet a variety of student needs while fostering strong student-faculty relationships and learning communities. Use this website to learn more about online offerings, training for faculty, and whether online and blended learning are right for you.
Undergraduate academic courses offered online during Summer Sessions run at a reduced per credit hour rate, but are still prepared and delivered by high-quality, PLU faculty. Online continuing education and professional development courses offer budget-friendly ways to meet credentialing requirements or add new skills to your resume.
To help degree-seeking students fulfill general education and degree requirements to graduate on-time, PLU’s Summer Sessions offers a variety of online courses across disciplines. Online and blended continuing education courses allow educators and healthcare professionals to meet their certification requirements with reduced impact on the rest of their lives.
Do work or family responsibilities interfere with your ability to come to campus for class? Taking a job or internship out of town for the summer? Online and blended courses extend the PLU learning experience beyond the confines of campus and offer schedule flexibility. And even students living and working nearby can benefit from the independent, individualized, technology-rich learning experiences that blended and online courses offer.
Sampling of Online and Blended Courses
Course | Title |
BUSA 305 | Behavior in Organizations |
COMA 495 | Internship |
CSCI 115 | Solve It With Computers MR,NS |
EDUC 970F | Young Writers PreK-2 (642) |
EDUC 970H | Teaching with Technology (648) |
EDUC 970J | Reaching Young Readers (653) |
EDUC 970K | Differentiation & Grading(665) |
EDUC 970L | Web EDU (681) |
EDUC 970M | Fully Wired (693) |
EDUC 970N | Words Matter (698) |
EDUC 970P | Instructional Strategies (704) |
EDUC 970S | Sticks and Stones (712) |
EDUC 970U | Differentiated Learning (717) |
EDUC 970X | Effective Classrm Mgmt (737) |
EDUC 970Y | Gender Matters (738) |
EDUC 970Z | Struggling Student (753) |
EDUC 971A | Bldg Comprehension (760) |
EDUC 971B | Reading Grades 4-12 (766) |
EDUC 971C | Across the Spectrum (776) |
EDUC 971D | Tapping the Talent (783) |
EDUC 971E | Achieving Success ELL (842) |
EDUC 971F | Virtual Field Tripping (846) |
EDUC 971G | Caring for Mental Health (854) |
EDUC 971H | What Great Teachers Do (855) |
EDUC 971J | Parent Trap (859) |
EDUC 971K | Bldg Successful Readers (880) |
EDUC 971L | Prof Learning Communities(897) |
EDUC 971P | Exelling EC Classroom (910) |
EDUC 971Q | Mental Health of Young (915) |
EDUC 971R | Good to Great (920) |
EDUC 971S | Teach Well, Learn Well (921) |
EDUC 971V | In the Face of Poverty (966) |
EDUC 971W | What Great MS Teachers Do(968) |
EDUC 971Y | Math Works (970) |
EDUC 971Z | The Driving Force (988) |
EDUC 972B | 180 Degrees (990) |
EDUC 972C | Text Seminar (991) |
EDUC 972E | Respectful Learners (993) |
EDUC 972H | Lost in Translation (5026) |
EDUC 972J | ADHD (5027) |
EDUC 972K | Successful Strategies (5044) |
EDUC 972L | Assignment Homework (5045) |
EDUC 972M | The Future is Now (5046) |
EDUC 972Q | The Sky's the Limit (5049) |
EDUC 972R | Technology (5061) |
EDUC 972U | The Write Stuff (5079) |
EDUC 972W | Teach Like a Champ (5683) |
EDUC 972X | Culturally Comp. Educ (5702) |
EDUC 972Y | Inclusion Strategies (5394) |
EDUC 972Z | Today's Learner (5751) |
EDUC 973A | Refocus and Recharge (5792) |
EDUC 973D | The Challenging Child (5838) |
EDUC 973G | One Stop Shop (5833) |
EDUC 973H | Bringing the Classroom (5834) |
EDUC 973J | Create & Captivate (5835) |
EDUC 973K | Common Core: 6-12 ELA (5839) |
EDUC 973N | Co-Teaching: Partners (5843) |
EDUC 973P | Flipping Your Classroom (5842) |
EDUC 973Q | Grief and Your Students (5845) |
EDUC 973R | Unlocking Info Text (5848) |
EDUC 973S | Learning to Learn (5847) |
EDUC 973T | Engaging Parents (5844) |
EDUC 973U | PBIS 101 (5850) |
EDUC 973W | Raise the Bar (5849) |
EDUC 973X | Mathematic Conversations(5851) |
EDUC 973Y | Leading Intentional Talk(5852) |
EDUC 974A | Moving Body/Thkg Brain (5853) |
EDUC 974B | Sp Ed Law 101 (687) |
EDUC 974C | Making Shift to STEM Ed (5080) |
EDUC 974D | Mindful School Leadership(898) |
EDUC 974E | STEAM Ed: Integrate Arts(5795) |
EDUC 974J | Students w/ Pop Culture (998) |
EDUC 974K | Teach Sci Inq 5E Model (903) |
EDUC 974L | Mindset Matters (731) |
EDUC 974N | Hurdles Writing Instruc (650) |
EDUC 974P | Transition to Adulthood (5039) |
EDUC 974Q | Five Skills Success (5041) |
EDUC 974R | Close Reading Classroom (5040) |
EDUC 974S | Stronger School Comm (5037) |
EDUC 974T | Reaching Success (5014) |
EDUC 974U | Assistive Technology (5034) |
EDUC 974V | Online Classroom (805) |
EDUC 974W | Incorporating Mndfulness(5018) |
EDUC 974X | Empthy & Understanding (5032) |
EDUC 974Y | Access Content for ELL (5025) |
EDUC 974Z | Well-Connected Educator (5024) |
EDUC 975A | Neurodiversity (5855) |
EDUC 975C | Project Based Learning (5856) |
EDUC 975F | Moving Math (5854) |
EDUC 975H | Hit Play for Podcasts (800) |
EDUC 975J | Extensions for Education (801) |
EDUC 975K | YouTube in Classroom (802) |
EDUC 975M | Building Peace (5006) |
EDUC 975N | Trauma Sensitive Teach (5007) |
EDUC 975P | Ready to Learn (5008) |
EDUC 975Q | Writer's Workshop (5015) |
EDUC 975R | Universal Design Learn (5035) |
EDUC 975S | Strats for Tchr Burnout (5028) |
EDUC 975T | Grant Writing Teachers (5085) |
EDUC 975V | Vocab for Reading (5038) |
EDUC 975W | Reading Fluency Toolbox (5042) |
EDUC 975X | Focus on Phonics (5030) |
EDUC 975Y | Supporting LGBTQ Stdnts (5043) |
EDUC 975Z | Reading Instr Head/Heart(5009) |
EDUC 976A | Devel Expert Learners (5016) |
EDUC 976C | Wholehearted Teaching (5021) |
EDUC 976E | Mindsets & Math (5033) |
EDUC 976F | Digital Literacy (5036) |
EDUC 976J | Social Media Responsibl (5060) |
EDUC 853 | English Structure |
EDUC 905 | Pedagogy Assessment |
EDUC 950 | Intro to Bilingual/ESL Ed |
EDUC 951 | Program Models for Diverse Stu |
EDUC 952 | Cultural/Linguistic Pedagogy |
EDUC 953 | Language Acquisition Fndts |
EDUC 954 | Scaffolding Content Instruct |
EDUC 982 | Instructional Leadership I |
EDUC 976 | Personnel Development |
EDUC 978 | School Law |
EDUC 979 | Issues Inclusive Differentiati |
EDUC 970A | Brain Works (505) |
EDUC 970B | Literacy and Learning (506) |
EDUC 970D | Writer's Notebook 4-12 (598) |
EDUC 970E | The Write Foundation K-2 (608) |
ENGL 398A | Studies Lit / Body LT, C |
ENGL 241 | American Traditions in Lit LT |
HISP 102 | Elementary Spanish |
HISP 101 | Elementary Spanish |
HISP 101 | Elementary Spanish |
HIST 388 | ST:Early West Civilizations SO |
MUSI 120 | Music and Culture AR,C |
MUSI 101 | Introduction to Music AR |
NURS 901E | RN Re-entry into Practice |
PHIL 125 | Ethics and the Good Life PH |
PHIL 125 | Ethics and the Good Life PH |
PLUS 320 | Effective Tutoring Methods |
PSYC 101 | Intro to Psychology SO |
RELI 229 | Christian Health & Healing RC |
RELI 229 | Christian Health & Healing RC |
SOCI 101 | Intro to Sociology A, SO |
SPED 915 | Emotional/Behavioral Disorders |
SPED 912 | Collaboration & Team Building |
SPED 921 | Students with Autism |
SPED 912 | Collaboration & Team Building |
SPED 916 | Early Childhood Education |
SPED 911 | Students Developmental Disabil |
SPED 917 | Low Incidence Disabilities |
SPED 914 | Educ Proce for Mild Disabiliti |
THEA 160 | Intro to Theatre AR |