Jeanette Dorner ’94

Ecosystem and Salmon Recovery Director, Puget Sound Partnership

Jeanette Dorner Profile Photo
  • Biography


Jeanette Dorner, a lifetime resident of the Pacific Northwest, received degrees in Earth Sciences and Environmental Studies at PLU in 1994. She then spent a year in India on a Fulbright scholarship studying the water quality of the Yamuna River, the largest tributary to the Ganges. After returning home she spent the rest of the 90’s completing a Master’s degree studying restoration ecology at the University of Washington. At the same time she worked as a volunteer organizing her local community to restore habitat on Muck Creek, a tributary to the Nisqually River. For the next decade she then worked for the Nisqually Indian Tribe as their salmon recovery program manager, coordinating the development and implementation of a plan to recover Nisqually salmon.

In August of 2011, Dorner took on a new challenge when she accepted a position at the Puget Sound Partnership, a new Washington state agency that is charged with leading the effort to protect and restore Puget Sound. As the Director of Ecosystem and Salmon Recovery Dorner is working with people across Puget Sound to protect and recover Puget Sound salmon runs and the ecosystem they depend on.