Student Rights and Responsibilities
As a member of the PLU community, we assume that you possess an earnest purpose, the ability to exercise mature judgment, the ability to act in a responsible manner, a well-developed concept of and commitment to honor, morality and integrity, and a respect for law and the rights of others.
The university adopts only such policies, rules and regulations that seem necessary for the welfare of the educational community. Each student associated with PLU is expected to be familiar with and to follow all policies, rules and regulations promulgated by the university, as well as local, state and federal laws. Failure to abide by the policies, rules, and regulations may result in disciplinary action(s) outlined in “The Student Rights & Responsibilities System.” The university policies/student code of conduct and Student Rights & Responsibilities system procedures can be read in full at www.plu.edu/srr.
Other rules and regulations developed by the university to maintain a safe and orderly environment may be found on the PLU website and in the Course Catalog, Living on Campus brochure, Housing Contract, Dining Contract, Student Parking Regulations brochure and the PLU Housing Guide. The print publications may be obtained from the Student Life Office, Residential Life Office, Campus Safety and Information and the Office of Student Financial Services.
University Policies:
Academic Integrity
Accommodation of Persons with Disabilities
Alcoholic Beverages
Building Security
Computer & Network Use
Concern for Self and Others
Confiscation of Possessions
Disruption of University Community
Equal Educational Opportunity
Equipment, University Events
False Information
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
Fire Safety
Firearms, Explosives, Weapon
Freedom of Expression
Grade Disputes
Grievance Policy and Procedures
Guests on Campus and at PLU Events
Identification Card (LuteCard)
Illegal Drugs
Immunization Policy
Neighbor Relations
Pets in the Workplace
Physical Assault
Property Damage, Misuse or Theft
Publicity and Solicitation
Representing the University
Residence Hall Communities
Residency Requirement
Sexual Misconduct
Tobacco Free Campus
Vehicle Registration and Parking
Vehicle, Bicycle, & Skateboard use on Campus
Violence Prevention
Visitation and Guest Policy
Contact Information
Please contact the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities at (253) 535-7462, srr@plu.edu, and www.plu.edu/srr.