A Parkland Tour - A Guided Tour Through Parkland, WA.
About the Project
CCES history forthcoming!
These place profiles were written during the January 2019 iteration of the course ENGL 323: Writing in Professional and Public Contexts. Students were asked to select important locations featured in the “Parkland Tour” offered by PLU’s Center for Community Engagement and Service. Each student would write a profile of the place based on observational, interview, and online research. These profiles were to be short, facilitating easy reading on the web and easy use during an actual tour. However, even with a limit of 300 words or so, students still needed to tell an interesting story about the place, to characterize its role/value in the community, and to summarize important characteristics and details.
Student authors include:
Maya Beckman
Camilla Berentsen
Ashley Corr
Lou Faletagoai
Olivia Gray
Cara Hall
Tiffany Huang
Jaclyn Kissler
Henry Lin
Mim Lindblom
Marie Rodrigues
Brandi Russell
David Smith
Natalie Stephenson
Kayla Thorne
Edited by Scott L. Rogers. Contact Dr. Rogers with any questions (rogerssm@plu.edu)!