Departing employees are asked to clear campus by completing an outprocessing form to ensure there are no outstanding obligations. In some cases Human Resources may coordinate this information gathering process. The outprocessing form also ensures that Human Resources and Payroll have a forwarding address (if appropriate). The completed form is normally turned in to Human Resources on the last day of work.
Exempt staff members are requested to give at least 20 working days’ notice of resignation, and nonexempt staff members are requested to give at least ten working days’ notice of resignation. Introductory, training and temporary staff members need not give prior notice when terminating. The notice should be in writing to the employee’s supervisor with a signed copy to Human Resources, and include last day of work, and reason for resignation. It is from this data that the employee’s final paycheck is calculated. The termination date will be the employee’s last day actively worked. The employee cannot claim vacation leave on their last day of employment.
The university strives to maintain staffing levels and organizational structures that efficiently match the workload on campus. Changes may be necessary from time to time to ensure both effectiveness and efficiency.
Introduction and Decision-Making
In the event of a change in program or services, whether or not there is financial exigency, an officer of the university may initiate a reduction and/or reallocation in force (RIF). The magnitude of such a RIF is determined by the extent of the change required. When this occurs, the university will make reasonable efforts to eliminate positions through attrition or other means to avoid laying off employees. Among the many factors to be considered are:
- The essentiality of the function to the university;
- Efficient organization of workflow and assignment of job duties;
- The professional competence and relevant progress of the incumbent;
- The length of service at PLU of the incumbent; and
- The Affirmative Action goals of the university.
Once a decision is made and accepted by the appropriate officer, a written termination notice will be communicated expeditiously to the affected employee(s). Individuals whose positions are being eliminated will receive at least two weeks notice of job elimination, or pay in lieu of notice.
Reduction in Force Benefits
PLU recognizes the loss of one’s job can create both financial and emotional pressures. When an employee’s job is eliminated or when employment is lost in a reorganization and not regained in the new organization, or elsewhere on campus, the university may provide certain benefits to ease the transition. These severance benefits, if any, will be communicated and coordinated by Human Resources.
If the position from which an employee was laid off is re-established within 120 calendar days from the date of the staff member’s layoff, the laid off employee will then be notified by the department head in writing and asked to return to the job, at which point the employee will have two weeks to do so. During the 120 days following layoff, the laid off staff member may apply for any other position in the university that becomes available, and will be considered for transfer/promotion on the same basis as active employees.
Employees are not entitled to receive additional pay in lieu of accumulated vacation leave upon separation of employment. Depending on the specific facts of an individual situation and subject to such documentation as the university may require, PLU generally follows these guidelines:
- An amount equal to the amount of accumulated but unused vacation leave, up to a maximum of 80 hours of accumulated vacation, will be paid upon an employee’s separation of employment.
- An employee with fewer than 80 hours of accumulated but unused vacation will receive a payment equal to the amount of accrued vacation.
- The final pay period’s vacation accrual (if any) will be calculated on a prorated basis (see Vacation Accrual above).
- All accumulated vacation in excess of 80 hours will be forfeited and lost upon separation of employment. This applies even in the case of an employee who is rehired within 12 months of leaving employment with PLU.
Terminating employees who have not completed their introductory period will receive no payment for unused vacation time.