Jury Duty

July 2024

Employees who are subpoenaed for jury duty will be allowed time off work to serve unless they prefer to petition the court to be excused from serving for hardship or other reasons.

Those who are required to appear in court (when not a litigant) or are called to jury duty will continue to receive their normal pay. Typical worked hours for the dates served under Jury Duty should be reported on the timesheet/leave report. In addition, the Attendance Report (provided by the court), which indicates the dates served and should correspond to the timesheet/leave report, must be sent to the Payroll Office.

On the pay statement for the applicable period, there will be a $10 per day deduction to offset the pay for jury time served. The court will send a reimbursement check directly to the employee for time served and mileage. The reimbursement check is the employee’s to keep.

PLU may support and release employees from their regular job duties to volunteer as a Citizen Corps member during a county emergency. The supervisor has discretion to release the employee relative to job responsibilities at PLU. Please contact the PLU Emergency Programs office to register for Citizen Corps.