Want to Study What ? Yes, a Philosophy Major Makes Sense, Adds Perspective.
Courses in philosophy help students who recognize philosophy as a central element in a quality liberal arts education; wish to support their undergraduate work in other fields, such as literature, history, political science, religion, the sciences, education, or business; plan to use their study of philosophy in preparation for graduate study in law, theology, or medicine; or are considering graduate work in philosophy itself, usually with the intention of teaching in the field.
Undergraduate study in philosophy is fundamental in pursuing the most important questions regarding one’s understanding of themselves, others and the world in which they live. More specifically, it serves to sharpen basic skills in critical thinking, problem solving, research, analysis, interpretation, and writing.
It also provides critical perspective on and a deep appreciation of ideas and issues that have intrigued humanity throughout the ages, including those central to the Western intellectual heritage.
This prepares students for a great variety of positions of responsibility, especially when coupled with specialized training in other disciplines. Those with the highest potential for advancement generally have more than just specialized training; rather, they bring to their work breadth of perspective, intellectual flexibility and depth, and well honed skills in critical thought and communication.
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