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2021 Nebraska Summer Research Program

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February 16, 2021

The Nebraska Summer Research Program is a consortium of NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and other summer research opportunities programs (SROP).

One unique feature of the Nebraska Summer Research Program is the partnership between the REU and SROP programs and the Office of Graduate Studies. Students benefit in having a community of scholars in which to learn and to share research with. This intensive summer research experience provides mentoring and research experiences while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life. Students with a strong interest in graduate programs are particularly encouraged to apply, as are those from populations traditionally underrepresented in graduate education.

Our 10-week residential summer research experience provides mentoring and research participation while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life at a research university. Participants all receive competitive stipends, room and board, travel/transport, graduate school preparation workshops, social and networking activities, and more.

We remain hopeful that we will be providing an in-person experience this summer. Should that change, applicants will be notified as soon as possible and a virtual experience will still be offered.

Our online application is open until Monday, March 1, and students may apply for up to three different research groups.