
Washington Applied Sustainability Internship

The Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) program is a summer internship program designed to link dedicated engineering, chemistry, sustainability and environmental sciences students with business and industry in Washington. Interns research identified pollution prevention opportunities at a Host Business to analyze, recommend, and/or implement process…

Lathisms Scholarship

The 2023 Lathisms Scholarship intends to support Hispanic/Latinx students interested in pursuing a career focused in the mathematical sciences; such career paths include, but are not limited to, scientific research, mathematics education, engineering, and finance. They will award 2-3 scholarships of up to $500 (each)…

Reimagine Indians into Medicine (RISE) Summer Academy 2023

Through grant funding from the Indian Health Service’s Indians Into Medicine Program (INMED) and the Empire Health Foundation, the WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine has opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) to participate in pathway programs. Deadline to apply: April 7,…

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Virtual Career Connections Event

Ignite your career at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Attend this four-day virtual event and speak with staff and recruiters about career opportunities available across the lab. Career Connections is free and open to all potential applicants, regardless of career level, grade level, or academic program.…

Paid Engineering Intern Positions, Tacoma Water

Are you looking to apply and grow the skills you are learning in school in a professional environment while serving your community with clean, reliable water? If you answered “yes,” be sure to apply to Tacoma Water’s engineering internship opportunities! Tacoma Water has  four  engineering internship…

Paid Electrical Engineering Intern, Tacoma Water

Are you looking to apply and grow the skills you are learning in school in a professional environment while serving your community with clean, reliable water? If you answered “yes,” be sure to apply to Tacoma Water’s electrical engineering internship opportunity! Tacoma Water has an internship…

Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE)

Research in Interdisciplinary STEM Education (RISE)  ( is a 9-week residential summer research experience at Washington State University, targeted to undergraduate students in chemistry, education, life sciences, mathematics, or physics.  Participants will join interdisciplinary teams mentored by WSU faculty to investigate STEM learning across formal and informal environments…

Dynamic Compression Summer School

The Dynamic Compression Summer School has been established to provide an overview of dynamic compression science appropriate for upper-level undergraduates and first-year graduate students. The four and a half days of activities will introduce students to the scientific fundamentals, contemporary research activities including informal discussions,…

Innovations in Nuclear R&D Student Competition

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) announced a new request for applications (RFAs) for the Innovations in Nuclear Energy Research and Development Student Competition, seeking to recognize and award published graduate and undergraduate students for innovative nuclear energy research. This program…

University of Florida/France International REU Program in Chemistry

The International Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program is a 11-12 week program based in France. Participants will spend most of their time working with graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, staff, and other undergraduates on a well-developed research project under the mentorship of an experienced faculty…