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Summer Undergraduate Research in Particle Physics

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November 29, 2023
As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, U.S. CMS is excited to announce the next edition of the RENEW-HEP USCMS SPRINT/ USCMS PURSUE combined undergraduate internship program. The internship program is intended to address the under-representation of women and minority students in STEM fields and is open to students pursuing physics, engineering, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, and related fields. The program is sponsored by the Department of Energy (RENEW-HEP: USCMS SPRINT A Scholars Program for Research Internship) and the National Science Foundation USCMS Operations (USCMS PURSUE: Program for Undergraduate Research Summer Experience). The student internship program is offered and administered through Tougaloo College, in collaboration with Brown University, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. See the link to our program Website at:
Program Information:
The program will last a period of 10 weeks between May 28, 2024, and August 2, 2024. Students will be paid $600 per week during the 10 weeks of the internship. The internship will be offered in-person mode. For those selected for the internship, housing will be provided. The application will open around the middle of December and until end of January 2023. The link to the program details and application for the internships is at and will be updated as soon the application opens.
Focus of internship:
The internships will offer female and minoritized undergraduate students an opportunity to perform a project under the mentorship of scientists working at the frontier of physics at one of the 50+ institutions in the United States. Students will use computational tools and data-science methods to learn about fundamental particles and their interactions by analyzing data obtained from the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located at CERN, Switzerland and/or participating in CMS hardware/software projects.
Informational Webinar:
Interested students should attend a Webinar on either Dec 5, 2023 (4-6pm US Central) or December 11, 2023 (4-6pm US Central). During the Webinar, students will learn about the program and the application process. In addition, interns and research mentors from previous editions of the program will share their experiences at the Webinar. This would be a great opportunity for prospective students to learn first hand from program alumni. The link to agenda and registration information for the webinars can be found at the link USCMS PURSUE Webinars (